chapter 6

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Everyone fell back asleep after I told them I was alright, but I couldn't seem to. I got up to go to the restroom and collect myself. 'Why did it seem so real? There's no way I could've actually been there, and I could never ask Harry about that night.'I thought to myself as I walked out of the compartment. Harry had been through so many traumatic things in his life, and I couldn't bring up anything about that night, it would just make everything worse for him again. Besides, after Cedric died, he never told anyone about what happened that night. He wouldn't even talk about Cedric for months afterwards because he felt so terrible. 

As I got to the door to the restroom, I realized the light was on in there. That was kind of weird, because it was very late at night, it was almost 3 a.m the last time I checked. I knocked on the door, and waited to hear a reply. But I didn't hear one. "Is anybody in there?" I asked from outside the door, hoping someone was, so I wouldn't make a fool out of myself to the two people in the train that weren't sleeping. Again, no one answered, so I pushed open the door.


I heard immediately when I opened the door, and let out a hoarse scream. As my fight or flight sense kicked in, I punched at whatever I could in front of me, and realized that my fist connected with something. The creatures had...wait, what? They were wearing masks, and not like a death eater masks or anything, like masks from a muggle Halloween store. 

"Jesus woman, you're gonna take our eyes out one of these days." I heard as the two tall figures took off their masks. As soon as I heard their voices speaking together, I breathed a sigh of relief and then half- laughed half- spoke "Fred! George! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" 

"You should've known we'd trick you like this Ana." George said, and Fred added: "It's practically a tradition for us now." And they were right. I had almost forgotten. Every year on the Hogwarts express, the twins would always find a way to trick me before we even got to school. I stood on my tippy toes to give both of them hugs, and then said "Now if you'll excuse me boys, I need to take a piss." And added a cheeky smile at the end. That was something I could NEVER EVER say around Hermoine. She'd have my head if she found out I said anything of the sort.

The guys laughed, looked at each other, and then back to me, shook their heads, and walked away. I shut the bathroom door, and remembered what was happening before the twins showed up. I leaned over the sink, turned on the faucet, and splashed some cold water on my face. 'It was just a nightmare, everyone has them.' I tried to tell myself as I stared at myself in the mirror.

'But if it was just a nightmare, then how was he talking directly to me, how did I feel the exact same way as when we saw him in the ministry?' I wondered. 'I need to let this go. I can't let this control me, I should be happy! I'm on my way home, and we'll be there in a couple of hours.' I reminded myself. This is the best thing that has happened to me in the entire 3 months break that we had just gotten out of. So why am I so worried?

'I'm with my friends now, and I'm gonna spend another year at the place I love the most.' I thought as I ran my fingers through my hair, and walked out of the restroom. It was very dark on the train, and I loved it. I feel like when things are at night, they are automatically always so much better than things in the daytime. 

But as I continued back, I saw another silhouette walking towards me. It was Hermoine. "Hermoine, what are you doing up? It's so late!" I asked her as I whispered, worried I would wake my classmates. "Well, I could ask the same for you. But I won't. I'm just going to the ladies room. I forgot to brush my teeth last night." She said. It was weird, seeing her like this. Her hair all messy, her in pajamas instead of her house robes or normal clothes. We had never spent the night on the Hogwarts express before, but they decided to try something new this year. But looking at her now, I realized she looked kind of...cute? I mean, not in a WEIRD way or anything, just cute I guess.

"Oh, alright. I just came back from there, actually. Watch out for Fred and George though, they were hiding in the bathroom waiting for me when I went in." I warned her. I knew they weren't going to be there though, because they walked away when I went into the bathroom, but I just needed something else to say. I couldn't think of anything other than that. I guess I was kind of nervous. I don't know why though, I've known Hermoine since 1st year. 

She said goodnight to me, and I walked back to the compartment. As I closed my eyes, I was a little nervous to fall back asleep, hoping I wouldn't have the same dream again, but when I closed my eyes, I didn't see Voldemort again.

I saw Hermoine.

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