chapter 17

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Hermoine's Pov:

After the professors took Ana away, and I calmed down a little, we were told to go back to our house dorms until we knew what was happening. I sat with Harry, Ron, Neville, and Ginny, as tears kept streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them away using my sleeve, and stared at the ground. We were the only ones sitting out in the common room, everyone else was in their dorms.

There was a very heavy silence inside the room, because no one knew what to say. I looked over at Neville, and saw that he was crying too. He had been very good friends with Ana, they had a sibling-like relationship. She was the only one who could sit with him and talk to him for hours about literally anything, and she helped him start to overcome his fear of Draco and Snape.

We were told to sit in here until we were told how she was. Obviously it was very serious, otherwise they wouldn't have stopped everything. The Weasley twins walked into the common room, and for the first time, neither of them had anything to say. They didn't have their usual dopey grins on their faces. Harry asked, "Have you heard anything?" In a weak voice. I keep forgetting that he likes her. This must be really hard for him. But I can't imagine anyone feels the way I do. "No, we tried to look in, but alot of the proffessors were in there, and we couldn't see." George said, in a soft, sorry voice.

What if she's dead? What if it's my fault? If only I'd told someone about the feeling I had. And what would ever possess Lucian to hurt her like that? They were good friends, from what I could tell. He was very protective of her, almost like an older brother.

I was torn out of my thoughts, as our common room door opened, entering Professor Mcgonagall. My nerves shot up, as I realized we were about to see if Ana was alright or not. "Potter, Weasleys, Longbottom and Granger, I have some news." She announced, with an almost sorrowful voice. Oh no. This didn't seem like good news.

"Ms. Alcott is going to be alright." She said, as we all collectively breathed a sigh of relief. I felt another tear stream down my cheek, but perhaps this was a happy one. "Madam Pomfrey is working on healing all of her injuries, but, she hasn't woken up yet, and we don't know when she will." She added. I should've known it was too good to be true. "Can we see her?" I asked immediately. I looked up at the Professor, my lip quivering. "Madam Pomfrey said that she is allowed one visitor, but Draco Malfoy's already gone. You can all go see her if she wakes up." If. If? IF she wakes up. So she might not even wake up. Wow.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and started going up the stairs to get to my dorm. As soon as I got in, I flopped myself onto the bed, face down, and grabbed my pillow. I started to sob into the pillow, eventually working my way up to a scream. Why would Malfoy EVER go see her? She doesn't even like him. It should've been me, I thought as I screamed again.

After seeing her like that, and not knowing if she was ever gonna wake up, I realized why I had been so confused and concerned about her all this time; I liked Ana Alcott. Maybe even loved her. I had since the day we met. I cried even harder as I came to this realization, trying to face the fact that I might never see her again.

I sat up, and tried to calm my breathing so that I could think. I have to go see her. Fuck the rules. For once, I'm not going to do everything I'm told. I stood up, and started to think of a plan.

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