chapter 29

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As I walked up to the door of my dorm, I saw that the door was slightly open. That was weird. I was sure that I'd closed it. I took my wand out, and held it behind my back, just incase there was an uninvited visitor in there.

I pushed the door open quickly, and saw a person who was standing directly in front of my door. My first reflex was apparently to punch, so I screamed and flung my arm out. I felt it collide with someones skin, as I pulled out my wand and pointed it at the intruder. I looked down, finally recognizing who it was.

"Are you TRYING to kill me?" Pansy shouted, laying on the floor with her hands up, probably afraid that I'd actually kill her. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I said, Immediately putting my wand away and putting my hand out to help her up.

She took it, and when she stood up, I noticed that her nose was bleeding. "Why did you do that?" She shouted at me, as she wiped at her nose with her sleeve. "Why are you not at class?! No, I'll ask an even better question, WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM!" I yelled. She rolled her eyes, and said "Relax! Draco told me you'd be here. He was the one who told me to come in here! He said you needed to borrow a dress, and that we'd probably be the same size. I checked, and we are."

Oh. Oops. "Oh, I thought that you were snooping around in here, sorry. I just don't understand why he'd tell you to come in here, but not tell me that you're coming." I said, and looked at my bed, and saw that there was a black dress laying on it. Well, that was fitting for a death eater meeting.

"Why do you even need a dress anyway? I thought you bought one at Hogsmeade." She said, and then I realized that Pansy had nothing to do with the death eaters. I mean, I think I just assumed that she was one of them, because of the way she acted, and adored Draco. But I guess things aren't what they seem.

"I just- um, there was this Hufflepuff party that I was going to tonight, it doesn't seem like it's gonna be that fun, but I know a couple people who are going, so I was just gonna-" I started to say, but she cut me off and said

"Really? Because I don't think they'd be having any parties on a Wednesday evening, Ana. Where are you really going?" She asked. Oh god she's going to interrogate me until I tell her. I took a second to think, and opened my mouth to speak and make up an excuse, until Pansy said "You're going out with Draco, aren't you? I found the note he left you. What, are you guys dating now?" She asked. Thank god she did, because if she hadn't, I would've never made up a good excuse.

"Yeah, yeah, I am. Things just didn't work out with Hermoine, so I thought maybe Malfoy would be different, cause he's a guy, you know? And I didn't have anything to wear, so that's probably why he asked you." I told her with a nervous laugh. "Oh. Um, alright. Do you need me to help you into the dress?" She said, looking kind of dissapointed. I wonder why?

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." I told her, as I undressed and stepped into the dress, it was skintight and the sleeves were spaghetti straps. It wasn't something I would normally wear, but I had to say, damn, I really pulled it off. Pansy silently zipped up the dress, and I shivered. Her hands were cold, like, deathly cold. That seemed to be a common thing with the other Slytherins.

I looked in the mirror at myself as she zipped me, and could tell she was looking me up and down, even after she zipped me up. I turned around to her suddenly, and said "Thank you. For the dress, and for helping me and everything. And, sorry again, for the punch thingy!" She gave me a small smile and quietly left the room, which was VERY out of character for Pansy. But I wasn't going to complain about it.

It had been a couple of hours since she left, and approaching 9 o'clock. I didn't know what time he was coming to get me, so I'd already done my hair (all I did was straighten it, but I normally didn't) I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup, too. I took out a dark red lipstick and applied it onto my lips, hoping that I wasn't overdoing it. I was hoping that if they thought that I was taking this very seriously, that they'd maybe believe that I was with them, or that I wanted to be with them.

As I closed the cap of my lipstick, I heard a knock on the door. It practically made me jump. I got up to open it, and saw that it was Draco. He had a black suit on(like usual) but this one was a little different. It had a new pattern etched on it, that was hard to describe. His eyes wondered my body when he saw me, until he looked back up to my face.

"I see you listened to my note, then." He said, with an expressionless look on his face. "Yes. You look good too, Draco." I said sarcastically, trying to make light of the situation. Neither of us laughed, though. He was really nervous, I could tell. And honestly, so was I.

"So, we'll go to a portkey that will take us to my familys manor. That's where we have the meetings." He told me, and I nodded.

"Are you ready to go, then?" He asked, and I looked at him as he put his arm out for me to take, and I started to have second thoughts. But, if I didn't go now, they were going to take me later anyways. Might as well do it on my own terms.

I took his arm and smirked at him, and said

"I've never been more ready."

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