chapter 16

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 Hermoine's Pov: 

I stood in the stands, waiting for the two teams to come out and get into position. Even though I don't play quidditch, and I don't think I ever will, I read 'Quidditch Through the Ages' a couple times, and it's actually quite fascinating.

We saw the Gryffindor team flew out, and my group held up a sign that Dean made to cheer for our house. Things felt...I don't know, a little different this year I guess. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Like something bad was going to happen. I mean, it's just a feeling, of course. Nobody would be stupid enough to try anything with Dumbledore attending the game. Then, about 2 minutes later after Gryffindor did a lap around the stadium and got into their positions, the Slytherin team flew out.

Even though I wasn't particularly fond of Slytherins, for obvious reasons, I still had a little flag that I made to cheer Ana on in my pocket. I mean, she was one of my best friends, and I couldn't just not cheer for her! Not after everything she's done for me. As they all flew around the stadium, the only one I looked at was Ana. She looked amazing in her uniform, and she always looked so happy up there when she played.

As she flew around to the Gryffindor stands, I pulled out my flag, smiled and waved it at her. She looked a little surprised that I had it, but then I saw a huge grin form on her face, as she laughed and winked at me and zoomed off. As everyone got into their rightful positions, I got that feeling again. Like something was terribly wrong.

I looked up at Harry, and saw him touching his scar and wincing. So it wasn't just me feeling like this. It didn't seem like anyone else noticed Harry's discomfort, though, everyone in the crowds were too excited about the games, and all of the players on the field were trying to intimidate each other. Then, Madame Hooch blew the whistle and the players all flew into action.

Reading about quidditch was much more different than watching it, because I have absolutely no clue about whats going on right now. Everyone was flying around almost too fast to watch, but suddenly, it seemed like everything was in slo-motion. I saw Ana catch the quaffle, and turn around to throw it to someone, but then she froze. She turned around, and stared at a boy named Lucian Bole. He was a beater on the Slytherin team.

Was this a weird play? I mean, isn't she supposed to be, you know, moving? Then, I saw a look of terror appear on Ana's face, as Lucian smiled creepily. He took his bat, and swung it right at Ana, hitting her in the head. "NO!" I screamed, as many gasps emerged from the crowds. Ana's broomstick started to fall, and so did she. Her limp body was flying through the air, way too quickly for anyone to catch her. I could see the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams racing towards her, trying to grab her. Even though it didn't seem like it at sometimes, Ana was very loved around the school. By almost everyone.

I saw Dumbledore flick his wand, as Ana's body suspended in the air, and slowly lowered her to the ground, as all of the other quidditch players dismounted off of their brooms. A couple of Slytherins and Gryffindors grabbed Lucian, who looked to be very confused. I looked at this overwhelming sight with pure terror in my eyes. I had to make sure she was okay. I dropped the sign and flag I was holding and sprinted down to the bottom of the arena. I knew they probably weren't going to let me in there, especially with the big group of people gathering around her. I saw them bring a gurney out, and knew it was bad.

Tears started streaming down my face as I finally reached the bottom of the field, pushing and bumping into people to try and get to her. I finally saw her, and it was bad. Her face was completely bloody, her head looked like it was cracked open, her nose was bleeding, and she had blood in her hair, matting it. I went to go alongside the gurney, but felt a pair of hands grab me. "Stop it! Let me go!" I yelled, turning around and seeing that it was Harry who was grabbing me. "Hermoine no! I know you care about her, we all do!  But you have to let them do what they need to do, and you'll only get in their way." He spoke to me, but I wasn't really listening. Everything felt really surreal. It was like Cedric all over again. How the whole crowd went silent, all you could hear was murmurs of concerned students. 

Oh god. Please don't let her be dead. Please don't let her be hurt bad. I thought as I started to sob, letting Harry hold me, and seeing the eyes of students watch me, but I didn't care. I simply didn't know what to do. I've never felt this scared in my whole life. Not when Cedric or Sirius died, not when the troll came into the bathroom in our 1st year, this was it.

Please, please, let her be okay.

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