chapter 38

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I immediately started to try and run towards the screams, but felt Draco's cold hands grab me once again, pulling me back "WHAT'S HAPPENING?! LET ME GO!" I screamed at him, but he wouldn't let go. "HOLD ON!" He yelled back, and pulled something out from his pocket, he pointed his wand at it and performed a charm, and the thing grew larger, as I finally realized what it is.

"An invisibility cloak."He said, and threw it over the both of us. "What are you doing?!" I yelled again, a little quieter this time, as he answered "We need to get out. And there's only one way. But they can't see us." He whispered, and added "Be quiet, Ana. It's for our safety." As he started to pull me towards all of the chaos.

We started seeing professors run toward the ballroom, and had to weave our way around them. My heart pounded as we ran, tears streaming down my face already. Whatever was happening, I knew it wasn't good. I should've known.

As we finally got to the entrance of the ballroom, we both stopped. But what I saw was...impossible.

It was me. And Draco was there too. We were standing in the middle of the ballroom, being grabbed violently by other deatheaters. But...what? I knew they would be using polyjuice potion, but why on us? What was happening?

"Let them go. There doesn't need to be any bloodshed." I saw Dumbledore say, as he held his wand at them. They were holding the fake versions of us at wandpoint, and that's when I saw them. Our entire group was still there. They were the only group of students still in there, everyone else had run away. I saw that Pansy and Blaise were standing hidden outside the doorway, looking scared.

"...please. I don't wanna die." I heard the fake me say, but I was looking at Hermoine. She looked terrified, she was in between Fred and George, and Ron was standing in front of her, protectively. At least she was safe, for now. "Students, go! Now!" Mcgonagall yelled, and Harry responded "We're not leaving, Professor!" Of course he wouldn't. He always tried to be the hero. To save everyone.

I saw the fake me sobbing, and the fake Draco had tears in his eyes as well. "My father wi-" Fake him started to say, as the death eater responded "I don't give a damn what your father will do!" As he yelled crucio, and watched as the fake Draco writhed on the floor in pain. At that moment, the Order of the Phoenix came into the room, and pointed their wands at the death eaters.

If anything happened, I didn't want them to be there. Molly and Arthur were like my parents, they always took care of me and loved me as one of their own. I was really close to Remus and Tonks, too, they were like my aunt and uncle. It was painful to see the looks on all of their faces, as they saw the fake me being held like that.

Draco and I stood in horror and watched, as we heard Dumbledore say again "They're just children. Don't harm them. If you need someone to harm, then do it to us. They're innocent." "No. They deserve it." One of the deatheaters said, and smirked at all of the professors. She was the one holding fake me. I recognized her, from one of the meetings.

I heard her shout the killing curse, and the other one holding fake Draco did too, as a flash of bright green light exploded around the ballroom. "NO!" I someone yell, but I couldn't tell who. As the light went away, I saw as the fake versions of us bodies fell to the floor, and I gasped, falling onto my knees. Draco came down with me, throwing his hand over my mouth, and grabbing me, so that I couldn't go anywhere.

Everyone stood there, in shock for a second, until the death eaters put their hands up, and the professors ran over to restrain them. I stared at the dead me, wondering why this was happening. Why me? Why did I have to be his daughter? If I was normal, this would never have happened.

I looked at Hermoine, and watched as she ran over to the fake version of me, falling to her knees. She looked at the body in pure terror, as she put her hands onto my cheeks, and started to sob. The version of me had her eyes wide open, and I saw Hermoine put her shaky hand over them, and close them.

I saw Molly go over to Hermoine, and grab her, pulling her into her arms. Hermoine fought at first, trying to get back to my body, but then stopped and leaned back into Mollys embrace. Molly didn't say anything, probably being too shocked to know what to say, as she held Hermoine, running her hand through her hair.

I looked over at the twins, and they looked devastated. They just stood there, staring at my fake body. I could see tears rolling down both of their cheeks. Arthur had grabbed Ron and embraced him tightly, holding him in a way so he couldn't see the terrible sight in front of him.

Remus was with Harry, and they were both on the ground. Harry was just sitting there, eyes wide, with Remus holding him. Tonks, Luna, and Neville just stood there. I imagine they didn't know what to do.

I sobbed into Draco, as he pulled me up gently, and started to lead me away, outside of Hogwarts. I tried to run away, but he kept grabbing me, and had to practically drag me away from Hermoine. 

As he finally pulled me away, the last thing I saw was Hermoine, leaning over my body. She whispered something to the fake me, and that was the last I saw of her, as I was dragged out into the night.

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