chapter 40

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Ana's Pov:

"Are you real?"

Hermoine asked, as we kneeled on the ground together, grasping onto each other, as if we might never get to again. Tears streamed down both of our cheeks, as snow fell down on us, as I shakily replied "Yeah, yeah, I am."

She didn't say anything after that, and I didn't either, I was just glad to be back in her arms. The silence was quickly broken though, by a familiar voice yelling "Hermoine! Get away from her!" We both pulled away from each other, and realized that it was Harry.

"Harry, it's her! It's Ana!" She yelled back to him, as more people came onto the steps surrounding Harry, gasping at the sight of me. "Have you gone mad? She's dead, Hermoine." Ron yelled at her, sounding very concerned.

Everyone had their wands pointed at me now, and honestly, I couldn't blame them. I mean, they did just watch me die, and I'd do the same thing if it was somebody else. "Come over here, Ms. Granger." Dumbledore said, and Hermoine looked back at me. I nodded and smiled at her, signaling that it was okay for her to go over, that I'd be fine, so she went.

"Who are you?" Professor Mcgonagall asked intimidatingly, as she pointed her wand at me with a scowl on her face. "Professor, it's me. I know it sounds crazy, but-" "Impossible." Mrs. Weasley said, with an angry, yet sad look on her face.

"They used a polyjuice potion! That wasn't me in there, I think it was one of the dark lords servants. Look, Draco's alright, too." I said, and looked over at Draco, who was still on the ground, scrunched up in a ball. "Look, please believe me." I added, as they all stared at me.

"Now, why would someone go to such measures to fake the deaths of two students? Why would two students matter so much?" Dumbledore asked, and I felt conflicted. Could I tell him about the Dark Lord? Would he even believe me? I mean, I might not have any other choice.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I can tell you everything that I do know!-" I said, but Draco, who had finally stood up, cut in and said "Ana, don't." I glared at him, at the boy who willingly tried to take my entire life away, and then turned back to Dumbledore, and said "I'll tell you anything you want to know. Please, just let me in." He looked at me for a second, and everyone around him exchanged glances, until he said one word.


"Alright? Alright! Albus, what are you talking abou-" Mcgonagall started to argue, but Dumbledore put his hand up and said "If this really is Ms. Alcott, we can't leave her out here. And if it isn't, then we'll just send them off to Azkaban." Azkaban? AZKABAN? So if they don't end up believing me, I'm gonna basically go to hell for the rest of my life?

I started to walk up to them, and some took a cautious step back, as I stood on the first step of the small staircase, and said "Thank you. You won't regret this, headmaster." He gave me a small close mouthed grin, and turned around, and lead me into the castle. Everyone else stayed outside for a minute, and then followed us, making sure to stay far behind.

Honestly, I'm REALLY surprised that I'm not in Azkaban right now, or at least restrained. I mean, if I were the headmaster, I probably wouldn't give anyone in my position a chance to talk, I would never have believed them.

As we passed the great hall, I looked in, seeing the fake bodies still lying on the ground, and shuddered. I turned my eyes away quickly and looked ahead of me, and continued to follow Dumbledore. I could hear all of the whispers from the group behind me, probably saying that I was a fake, and that they should kill me, or lock me away forever.

Right as we approached his office, Dumbledore turned around to address us, and said "Everyone, you can go. I think my talk with Ms. Alcott needs to be private." They all reluctantly left, as Dumbledore walked into his office, and I followed close behind.

We both sat down in silence for a minute awkwardly, before Dumbledore said "I know it's really you, Ana. You don't have to be afraid." "Really?" I asked him, I didn't think it would be this easy. "Yes. You forget that I can read minds, Ms. Alcott. I knew from the moment I stepped into the hall that it wasn't you, nor Mr. Malfoy." He told me, and I let out a sigh of relief.

But he was right, I did forget that he can read minds, wait-

Does that mean he knows about me being Voldemorts daughter? "Yes, I know. I have for a while now, Ms. Alcott. But, I also know that you mean no harm. That you won't join them." Oh my god. He knows. What if he's going to stop trusting me, I thought as I stared back at him. "Oh." I said, like an idiot.

I couldn't really think of anything to say, honestly. I mean, I was basically his enemies daughter. How was he not throwing me in Azkaban? "This does mean, however, that you're going to need extra protection. Especially if his plan was to convince us that you were dead." He said.

"Okay. Wait, if you knew that I was his daughter, why would you not tell me before? No offense, but, you know." I asked, and he replied "I wanted you to tell me on your own terms. I thought it would be better that way. But, it seems life has been planned out another way."

I nodded at him, and then looked around his office awkwardly. "I can tell this ordeal has taken a tole on you, so I'll let you get some rest, but, please, go talk to Ms. Granger first." He said, and my face scrunched up in confusion. "Excuse me, um, what?" I said nervously, as he gave me a sort of mischievous smirk, and said "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Oh my god. How the hell does he know?

What else does he know about me? I don't even want to think about that right now. This whole night has been way too much. "Thank you, headmaster. And, not to bother you, but you'll tell them all that I'm real, right? But like, maybe not tell them that I'm you know who's daughter?" I said.

"Yes, I'll let them know. But, I might not have a choice but to tell them, I know that they'll be suspicious about why your death was faked." "Well, thank you again, professor." I told him, as I walked out of his office. I wanted nothing more than to get out of this dress and go to bed, but I knew there was something else that I had to do first.

I rounded the corner to the hallway, as I felt two strong hands grab my waist. Shit. As if this night couldn't get any worse.

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