chapter 18

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Ana's Pov:

A bright, white light shined in my eyes, as I squeezed them closed even tighter. As my eyes adjusted to the light and went black again, I started to feel my surroundings. I felt the blankets on top of me, and I could feel the pillow underneath me. I was just on the quidditch field. Merlin! Flints gonna kill me! I worriedly thought as I quickly opened my eyes, once again being practically blinded by the bright lights. As my vision came into focus, I saw a couple bouquets of flowers, and some cards. 

I then realized where I was. The hospital wing. A place I knew WAY too well, because every single year we were all in here at least once. Then, I looked over and saw Malfoy sitting next to me. I didn't think he realized I was up yet though. This was weird. How did I get here? And why in the hell is Malfoy here? "Malfoy." I said quietly, my voice coming out kind of hoarsely. He turned to look at me with a concerned look on his face, one that I rarely ever saw. "You're up. Good." He said, and looked at me for a second. Okay, now I KNOW something was really wrong. No snarky comment or insult? No bragging about how much better he is than me?

As he stood up to go get Madam Pomfrey, I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Draco, why am I here? And where is everybody else?" I asked. "I'm not surprised you don't remember. But don't worry about it now, you'll find out later." He responded as he walked out of the wing to go find the nurse. Then, I saw something peculiar. The bouquet of flowers moved. It was just on the other desk, so how the hell did it move closer to me. Then, 3 figures came out of nowhere. It was Hermoine, Ron, and Harry! "Guys? Wha- where did you come from? What happened?" I asked them, feeling kind of out of it. I had a really bad headache, and felt kind of faint. "Are you alright, Ana?!? We were worried sick!" Hermoine half spoke/half shouted. Even when she was mad, she still had the most beautiful sounding voice.

"I mean, not really. I woke up in the hospital wing with no recollection of how I got here. A splendid time, really." I answered sarcastically. " don't remember anything?" Harry said with a somber look on his face. 

Why did they all look so...scared? I mean, what the hell happened to me? It couldn't have been that bad, right? I mean, I'm still here. "No, I um-I don't remember anything. So could someone please tell me before I lose my mind?" I said, jokingly, but everyone still had a serious look plastered on their faces. They stayed silent for a second, until Hermoine walked over to the bed I was in, sat down in a chair next to me, and took my hand in hers. "Ana, there's really no easy way to say this... someone tried to kill you." 

"What?! You're kidding, right?" I confusedly asked, but I already knew the answer was no. I could see it in her eyes. There were tears welling in them. "No, I wish I was. You were playing quidditch, and someone hit you in the head with their bat. You fell and we all thought you had died. It was bad, Ana." Hermoine explained to me. Who would even want to do this? I mean, I'm not the most popular girl at the school, but people know me, and I thought they all liked me. The only person that doesn't is Pansy, but she doesn't even play quidditch.

"Who? Do they know who did it?" I asked, with an unreadable tone in my voice. I didn't know how to feel about any of this. I still didn't feel well, and this isn't making it any better, but I need to know who did this to me. "Ana, you don't need to know. Not right now, you don't look so good, and it'll only make things worse." Ron said from the opposite side of the bed from Hermoine, with Ron by his side. "Yeah, it's a lot to process, and you're already overwhelmed, about this, I can tell." Hermoine spoke softly, still holding my hand. 

I didn't say anything, mainly because I couldn't. Hermoine was right. I was VERY overwhelmed. I should've waited to ask. I felt like I was about to cry, something I rarely ever do, and Hermoine noticed. She signaled for the boys to leave, and told them that she would stay with me for a while. They gave me an awkward goodbye, as they left the hospital wing.

"It's okay, Ana. You know, I totally understand if you don't want me in here either. I mean, you just woke up, and I don't wanna make things worse, and-" Hermoine started to say, as I cut her off and said 

"Stay. Please." As a single tear streamed down my cheek.

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