chapter 44

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(before this chapter starts i just wanna say that im sorry for not posting any new chapters for a while, school has been really demanding lately and i haven't really had the time, but im gonna try to write a few chapters this weekend so ill be able to keep posting them <3)

"I can help you."

Snape said, walking up to me. "What do you mean, you can help me? What the hell is going on?" I yelled at him.

I had woken up in a dark, room, tied up in a chair, and now he's telling me that he's going to help me? Please. He looked around hesitantly and told me "I had to bring you and Granger here. Other wise he would've killed the both of you."

My heart dropped in my chest. No. "H-Hermoine's here?" I asked reluctantly. "Yes. But she's okay. For now, at least." "For now? You're not going to let them hurt her, are you?" He looked down to the ground, and I could feel my eye start to twitch and water, as I said quietly:

"Snape. You're not going to let them hurt her." I clenched my fist, as he continued to stay silent for a moment more, until he finally said "I can help guarantee your safety. You have to listen to me."

But I didn't care about anything that he said. He was gonna let them hurt her. Maybe even kill her. I knew that he was one of them, but I never knew he'd be this evil. "What." I asked, in a defeated voice.

If anything happens to her, it'll be my fault. After all, I am Voldemorts daugher. "You have to get the mark. Comply. Join us. If you do that, he won't kill you."


"You have to-" He argued, "And if I don't?" I asked, and glared at him. I could feel the blood still trickling out of my nose from when Bellatrix hit me. "I don't know." He told me, but it was more than clear that he knew.

He'd kill me, or torture me. Or force me to join them. None of the options sounded particularly fun. "If I do it, can you make him let Hermoine go?" I asked him. I'd swore I'd never join them, but now, if it could save her, I'd do it.

Maybe it was insane, signing my life away for a girl. But she wasn't just any girl. She was Hermoine Granger, and her life served far more of a purpose than mine. Maybe if she got out, she could help stop all this. I'd probably still be sent to Azkaban for joining, but at least it would all be over.

"She's a mudbloo-" "Could you?" I yelled at him sternly, and watched his face, as it looked like he was pondering over his answer. He swiftly turned around and left the room, without another word. I'm guessing that he's going to go ask the Dark Lord. I close my eyes, and put my head down, hoping that it'll be a yes.

Minutes later, Snape comes back in, his long cape flowing behind him. "So?" I ask, and he responded coldly,


Thank god. I don't know what I'd do if they hurt her. But, now, I have to become one of them. The very people that I've been fighting with Harry my entire life. They were going to feel so betrayed. I would, too. But I guess that's what you do for love. I'd do anything, to make sure that she was safe.

"Ok. When is it, um, happening, then?" I asked. "Tonight." He answered. "Can I see her, then? Before I..."I stopped, choking up. I didn't want to do this. It was my worst nightmare.

"No. She's to be escorted out after your ceremony. You shall stay here all day, waiting, and she shall stay in the dungeon." "Please, Professor. You- please. I'll never get to see her again. I know it. I want to say goodbye." I begged, tears freely falling down my face now. I prayed that he'd agree, that I'd get to see her one more time.

He looked at me, and seemingly was thinking long and hard about it, until he simply said "No." My mouth contorted into a frown, and I cocked my head, then turned it back at him. "Please." As he stared at me, with no emotion in his face.

"Please, professor. Please." I kept repeating, begging to him, but he didn't budge. He didn't give me anything. He turned around, and walked away, and I started to yell "Please! Please, I wanna see her! Why can't I see her?" But he didn't turn around, he didn't show any emotion, any remorse, as he walked out of the doorway, and my cries grew louder.

A few hours later, after falling asleep in the chair I was tied to, I was woken up roughly, by the death eater named Fenrir Greyback. I know why they sent him. It was so I couldn't get away. So I couldn't run. He was way stronger than me, stronger than everyone, really.

He jerked me out of my chair, throwing my over his shoulder, so I couldn't run like I did the first time I was here, and I didn't fight. Because I knew that no matter how hard I did, it wouldn't change anything. This was going to happen, and I had no choice. I couldn't stop it now.

He carried me out into a part of the manor that I've never been before, and set me down, and in front of me, stood Voldemort, with Bellatrix behind him. The Malfoys were in the corner, Draco was with them, of course. I didn't say anything to him, though, I just glared at him.

He looked emotionless, cold. Like he didn't care about me anymore. And I'm not surprised. I ruined everything that his parents worked for. I would hate me too.

I took my final step, stopping right in front of the dark lord, staring into his eyes. There was no life left in them. No humanity.

"I have to admit, I was surprised that you asked to join us. I thought you'd put up more of a fight." He told me. I glared at him, not saying a word. "But you gave up as soon as you found out that mudblood was here. So, why did you change your mind, daughter? What is it about her?" He probed, but I stayed silent.

I didn't need to explain myself, not to him. Not to any of these people. He cocked his head back, then smiled at me.

"Let's bring up the mudblood, then."

little miss perfect ; hermoine grangerWhere stories live. Discover now