chapter 28

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"Stop it! Oh my god!" I laughed as Fred and George were messing with one of the first years. They had slipped veritaserum in the poor boys drink, and now he was confessing his love for a 3rd year. "What? It's just some light-hearted fun!" George said, while still laughing. "Right Georgie, and if he's any good, he'll laugh it off along with us in a while!" Fred agreed, and smirked while he said it. "What is it with everyone at this school messing with literal children?" I said jokingly, as I rolled my eyes and walked away to get back to my dorms. "Bye boys! Don't torture the poor kid too bad!" I shouted, looking back at them before leaving the hall.

It was surprisingly quiet in the hallways, and there was barely anyone in them. It was probably because most of the students were eating lunch, but I wasn't really hungry, so I decided to take a walk. As I turned the corner to get to the stairways, I felt a hand close over my mouth and drag me into an empty room. I started to scream and kick as much as I could, but it was no use.

As my eyes adjusted to the very dark room, I looked around to see that my captor was none other than Draco Malfoy. "Merlin, are you TRYING to get me caught?!" He whisper shouted, his hands holding my shoulders. "Sorry I wasn't completely calm when you practically tried to KIDNAP ME!" I yelled at him, but he put his finger to his lips, motioning for me to be quiet, so I did. "What the hell is going on!" I whispered, and wormed my way out of his grasp.

"Look, I need to talk to you. The...the dark lord told me to deliver a message to you. He thought it'd be better if I was the one that told you because he's know, Voldemort, and I know you." He explained, and my face contorted in a dramatically confused way. "So you're WORKING with him now?! I thought you were forced to!" I whispered again. So he lied to me, then. I'm not suprised.

"No! Well, yes. Can you just be quiet for a second! I need to give you a warning." He said, and suddenly I was pushed up against the wall. Ew. "What are you doing? Get off!" I yelled, and he put his hand over my mouth again. "I have to make sure that they can't hear me. He has people everywhere. Now stop fighting so I can help you." He agressively whispered, and I started to think about how bizarre this entire situation was. Why was I still going to school, knowing that I was Voldemorts daughter? Why was I going dress shopping? God, this entire thing is crazy. Then, he took his hand off of my mouth, allowing for me to speak.

"Fine." I said quietly, as he leaned in and started to whisper very quietly into my ear. "He says that he's going to take you again. In two days time. He wanted me to let you know, so you can be ready. And, he didn't say anything about this, but I think that he's going to do something at the ball."

"He's what?! I thought he said he was giving me more time!" I shouted, forgetting that I had to be quiet. "Quiet! You've had enough time already, according to him. More than a week." He told me, and I replied "He wouldn't try anything at the ball, Draco. There's no way. Not with Dumbledore here." I said, thinking about it. But he is getting bolder. He DID attack me during a quidditch game with everyone there. Dumbledore was even in the crowds, and Voldemort knew it! So maybe, he wasn't afraid of Dumbledore anymore.

"That's the thing, Ana. He doesn't care about Dumbledore anymore. He cares about you. His main objective isn't even to kill Potter anymore. It's to get you on our side." He said.

"There's no way in hell that I'-" "I figured." Draco responded before I could get my sentence out. "Do what you want with that. I just want you to be ready." He added, before he opened the door and walked halfway out, before turning back around to me. "And don't come out right away. I don't want anyone to know we were together."

He said as he tried to walk away again, but I stopped him by saying "I'll go. Willingly. Tonight. You just have to tell me where and I'll be there." I told him, and he had a confused look on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked me. Was I, though? Did I really think this through? "Yes. It's better than being taken against my will again. Just, will you bring me there? I don't want to come alone." I asked him.

"Yes. Don't tell anyone about any of this." He told me, but without his usual scowl on his face. He actually looked kind of...worried? Which was an emotion I didn't think he could have. I watched him walk away, and waited about 2 minutes until I followed his example.

When I got back to my dorm and sat on my bed, I saw there was a note on it. It said in neat handwriting:

'Look presentable tonight.'

- D.M

Great. Am I gonna have to wear my ball dress already? I mean, what does 'presentable' even mean? I'd like to think what I'm wearing now is good, but I don't think he wants me to dress casual. I shouldn't have to worry about what to wear, though. I need to figure out a plan. There was no way in hell that I'd ever become one of them, so I need to figure out what I'd do when I get there. I could pretend to be one of them, like a double spy, or try to tell someone here, like Dumbledore, so they'd know that he was back, and planning something.

No, I couldn't. It would put everyone in danger, and I couldn't do that. I heard a knock on the door and threw the note under my pillow, as the door opened and Hermoine walked in. "Hey, you weren't at lunch, are you alright?" She asked, and I immediately said "Yeah, I'm good. Perfect, even. I just wanted to, you know, enjoy the fresh air and all that." I said with a nervous chuckle. She gave me a smirk and looked me up and down, and then walked closer to me. She took my hands, and said calmly "Are you sure you're alright? You know you don't have to lie to me." I took my hand out of hers and cupped her cheek and told her "Everythings fine. I promise. Don't worry about me." I wish I didn't have to lie to her, I thought as she leaned in for a kiss.

When we pulled away from each other, she said "I was just checking in, and I believe we both have to get to our next class soon. Wanna walk with me?" She asked, with a sweet smile on her face. "Of course." I said, returning the smile. I took her hand and walked out of my room, but as soon as we walked into the common room to go into the hallways, we let go of each other. We couldn't let anyone be even a tiny bit suspicious of us.

Thank god we weren't in the same class that hour, because I sure as hell wasn't going. I needed to find something to wear, and I needed to figure out what the hell I was gonna do about this. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to come today. Now, I barely have any time to think.

I dropped Hermoine off at her class, and started to pretend to walk to mine, until I saw she was sitting at her desk, and walked back to my dorm. Nobody was in the halls, because we were all supposed to be in class, so I had time to get back to my dorms when no one could see me. Or at least, that's what I thought, until I ran into Professor Snape while turning a corner. Shit.

"Mrs. Alcott, why are you roaming the hallways at this hour? Shouldn't you be attending class?" He asked, and I was tempted to tell him what I was really doing. But I'm sure he already knew. I'm guessing that Draco told everyone that I was coming sooner than expected. "I was just late to my class, Professor. I'm on my way now, though." I said, and tried to keep walking past him, but he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Hey! Don't touch me!" I yelled at him. I have been grabbed against my will way too many times today. "Relax, Mrs. Alcott. I'm not going to do you any harm, and I think you know that. I cannot." Right. Voldemort probably made all of them promise not to hurt me, because APPARENTLY, I'm very important to him.

"I just wanted to ask, why are you coming tonight? Why not wait the two extra days? They would've given you more time to prepare." He asked me. "I'm ready now." I said with no hesitation. Hopefully, it was convincing enough. He looked at me, as if attempting to read my mind, and then let go of me and walked off.

God, I hate my life. I thought as I walked back to my dorm once again.

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