chapter 14

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As I got back to my dorm, I laid down to take a nap, like I usually do before a big game. Schools really draining for me, so I have to get my energy back before a game like this. It was the first Slytherin v.s Gryffindor match of the year, we were determined to win. But enough about quidditch, I need to sleep.

As I closed my eyes, I almost immediately fell asleep from how tired I was, from running around the school all day.

When I opened them, I was in...the Chamber of Secrets? But why was I in here? How did I even get here? "Hello, Ana. Nice to see you again." I heard a chilling voice say, as I slowly turned around, to face a teenage boy. "Sorry, I don't think I've met you before." I said, but I was lying. I didn't recognize the boy, but I felt like I knew him, in a way. "You have. But it's been so long since we were together. It's about time we reunited." The boy said, and I asked, "Who are you?" The boy started to laugh, but it was a humorless one. "Think. You know me. Everyone does." He spoke as his voice began to change. It sounded quieter, but hoarser, as his face started to change too. As soon as I realized who it was, I started running to hide behind something. But there was nothing.

Then, I felt something paralyze me to the place I stood. I couldn't move, and I couldn't speak, no matter how hard I tried. I heard footsteps walking towards me. I felt a cold, bony hand touch my shoulder, then my hair, and stroke it. Terror shot all across my body as I desperately tried to move, but it was no use. I was frozen. "Stop fighting. You know it won't do anything, you're smarter than that." The ugly man told me, his facial features still shrinking and morphing into something terrible. "I've missed you. I've missed all of this, really. Being here, in my other form. Feels like the good old days." He said in his sadistic tone. He smirked at me, as his face finally finished and it was obvious that it was the dark lord himself.

'Please let me go' I thought desperately, knowing no one could hear. "I can't do that just yet, Ana. We're not finished." He told me. "You're a beautiful sight, just like your mother." He told me, as I saw a huge flash of green light, and heard a scream. "Looks like our time is up, my dear. I'll see you very soon." Voldemort told me, as I was unfrozen, and fell to the floor. I got up and started running toward the door to the chamber, but was stopped right before I got there by a woman. She was beautiful. She just stood and stared at me. Why was she-

I woke up with a huge gasp and immediately sat up. My eyes darted across my room, checking to make sure that what I saw was only a dream. Because, it WAS only a dream, right? Right. Obviously. If it wasn't, then why would I be in my room right now, where I fell asleep? It's just, it felt so real. The only other time I've had a dream that real was on the train. But, I couldn't focus on that right now. The only thing that matters right now is the big game.

 I checked the time, and realized I had 20 minutes until we had to be by the field, practicing. I threw on my uniform, tied my hair into a ponytail, and left the dorm, practically running to the fields. You might think me being 20 minutes early was good, but with Flint as our captain, being 30 minutes early was being on time. Especially today. Every first game of the season, the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams would meet before practice, and basically the guys would immaturely insult each other and tell the other team how badly they were going to beat them. I actually thought it was kind of funny. It was usually Harry and Draco screaming at each other, and then Harry ruining things by bringing up his mom and dad.

I practically sprinted to the fields, where I already saw 3/4 of the team waiting. I ran up, trying not to attract too much attention but failing. The whole team turned around to glare at me, and I saw that Flint was practically fuming. "Where the hell were you?!"He yelled as he towered over me. But I wasn't scared. I had seen the fury of Marcus Flint MANY times before, and it was honestly getting old. As I opened my mouth to start defending myself, I saw the Gryffindor team start to walk onto the field.

Here we go.

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