chapter 13

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You know what? I don't think I AM gonna deal with this today, I thought as I looked at the twins and winked. They winked back, at the same time, as if they could almost read my mind, and I we took off running separate ways.

"What are you doing!? Guys! Get back here!" I heard Hermoine yell as we all ran through the corridors, dodging the occasional student walking in the hallway. I looked behind me to see Hermoine running after me, gaining speed. If she catches me, I'll be dead. No really, she probably knows a spell that'll do that. 

"Ana! I swear to Merlin if you don't stop right now-" I heard Hermoine yell again, but I wasn't going to stop running. Not yet. This was kind of fun. I wonder where the twins were, though. Probably going to mess with Filch again. They terrorized that poor man every day. I ran outside, all the way to the wooden bridge, where I stopped. I had to catch my breath, because I'd been running for nearly 5 minutes, and I hadn't gone for a run all summer. I put my hands on the rail of the bridge, and looked out into the lake, and just admired it. I hadn't really had a peaceful moment since we got back to Hogwarts. 

But, my moment was soon ruined by a yell. I turned to look, and- oh god it's Hermoine. didn't look like she was gonna stop running. I barely had any time to think as she tackled me, taking us both down onto the floor of the bridge. 

We both started to cough, as the impact kind of took a toll on us, and I yelled "Merlin, Hermoine what the did you do that for? I know you're mad, but you didn't have to ram into me li-" But then, I realized something I didn't before. When I was yelling, I had my eyes closed, because there was ALOT of dust on these floors, but when I opened them, I saw that Hermoine was on top of me, looking down at me. "O-oh." Was the only thing I could get out, as I realized that we were just inches apart. "Hermoine, I-" I started to say, as she rushed to get off of me. "Oh my god, Ana I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that!" Hermoine quickly said as she nervously laughed.

"Are you alright?" She asked me, and I kind of just stared at her. This girl had just football tackled me to the ground, and is now asking if I'm okay? "Uh- yeah. I'm just great actually. Except for the fact that my back feels like it's broken." I said sarcastically, and she rolled her eyes. "It was an accident, I swear. It was perculiar, it was like I couldn't stop running. Like I couldn't control my own feet." She said, as we heard the school bell ring. "Oh no. Snapes gonna kill us!" Hermoine yelled.

"Hey, don't worry about it, we can just say it took longer than expected to get to Madam Pomfreys, and she asked if you and the twins wanted to wait outside to hear news about me." I told her, trying to ease her worries. "Alright, but just know that I really don't like ly-" She started to answer, as we heard "Ana! What in the bloody hell are you doing over here?! Shouldn't you be in the hospital wing, considering you were out cold not even 20 minutes ago??!!" Ron asked, practically yelling, with Harry by his side. "We should take her right now, Ron. Obviously the twins couldn't do it." Harry started to agree with Ron, and just as I was about to tell them what actually happened, I heard yet another person calling my name.

"Alcott! What the hell happened to you in potions today?" Wow, right now, Malfoy actually sounded kind of sincere. "Guys, I'-" I started to say, but was interrupted. "What's it to you, Malfoy? Didn't you say you 'didn't associate with her kind'?" Harry asked him, obviously trying to start something. "Back off, Pottah, I'm allowed to ask her questions, she's in MY house after all. It's not my fault you're obsessed with her." Draco spat, basically adding lighter fuel to the flame that was in Harry's head.

"What, am I not allowed to be concerned about my FRIEND?" Harry yelled, and I started to walk away. Honestly, I didn't want to have to deal with this crap this year. We had our first Slytherin v.s Gryffindor Quidditch match tonight, and I needed to be focused.

"Ana, wait! Where are you going?!" Harry called after me. "Anywhere that isn't here." I told him, and walked off the bridge, still thinking about the match tonight. Every year that Harry's been in the school, we lose every first match with Gryffindor. But this year, it was gonna be different. I could feel it in the air.

Tonight was gonna make history.

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