chapter 3

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"Right! And then they were trying to- oh, were here." Hermoine interrupted herself, as we realized we had made it to platform 9 3/4. "You know, this is my favorite part of going back to Hogwarts, not the train, not seeing everybody, it's going through this wall." I told her. "Why? All you have to do is run into it Ana, there's not many interesting things about it." She asked me back, "No Hermoine, it's about seeing what's on the other side for me. It gives me the feeling that I'm going home before I even board the train. What's your favorite part about going back? Oh wait, let me guess, studying in the library?" I joked, but she responded seriously. "No, I think it's about seeing everyone after such a long time of being apart. How different they look and act, finding out what they've done over the break. It's so interesting to me. How much people can change when you haven't seen them in a while. You leave and they become an entirely different person."

"But, um, we should get going! We don't want to hold up the line!" She said, interrupting herself once again, as she started to run into the wall and disappeared. 'That was weird.' I thought. I actually really enjoyed hearing her talk about people. I picked up my pace, and started running into the wall.

Suddenly, I found myself staring at the Hogwarts express, and felt that feeling I was telling Hermoine about. Home. I was finally going home.

"Ana!" I heard someone say, but didn't immediately recognize the voice of the person. I turned in the direction of the person calling my name, and I realized it was Dean Thomas, with Seamus Finnigan by his side. Before I went over to them, I looked around for Hermoine, but I didn't see her anywhere. 'Huh. That's weird.' I thought, wondering where she went.

But I tried to shake the thought out of my head and headed over to say hello to Seamus and Dean. "Hey guys! It's been so long! How have you been?" I asked them, as I greeted them both with a smile and a friendly hug. "We've been doing really good, we spent the break together at my mums, and met up with Neville a couple of times." Seamus responded. And even though I felt bad , I didn't really care. I mean, don't get me wrong, Dean and Seamus are good friends and everything, but the only thing on my mind was Hermoine. I was a little concerned, to be honest. She never runs off like that, or at least she didn't last year. Where had she gone? And why didn't she tell me she was going somewhere. She probably went to find Harry and Ron, or to get a spot on the train, so why am I so worried about her? As I stopped thinking for a second, I realized Dean had said something. "Sorry guys, its been really nice to see you, but I gotta go find a spot on the express. I don't wanna end up having to sit with pansy!" I said jokingly, and they laughed.

I sped up my pace as I went to get on the train, ducking and weaving through the crowds of the new 1st years parents, who were all crying and waving to their kids. Even in my first year, my mother didn't seem to care enough to come and say goodbye to me. She didn't even walk me into the train station. But I wasn't surprised. My whole life I've had to be independent and do mostly everything for myself because mother wasn't around. But I can't let myself get distracted right now. I have to get on the train.

I took a deep breath as I got to the door to the express, and stepped in.

little miss perfect ; hermoine grangerWhere stories live. Discover now