chapter 37

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As we walked up to the entrance at the Great Hall, we waited to step into the ball. Even standing outside, I could tell that the decorations were beautiful. They always were. A lot of students were also waiting outside, probably for friends, and I sort of was too.

When I say friends though, I really meant Hermoine. When I told her I was going with Draco, I said that it was only because I didn't want people to think that I liked girls. I told her it was because we had to keep us being together a secret, and I couldn't have anyone being suspicious. She told me that she was going with Harry and Ron, and that they were all going together as friends because none of them could get a date.

I felt kind of bad lying to her, but at least it was partly true. I mean, we REALLY couldn't have anyone finding out about us, so technically, I was telling the truth. I heard some familiar voices, and turned towards them, to see none other that the group that I'd been waiting for.

Neville, Luna, and Ginny walked out first, with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine behind them. The twins trailed after them with Angelina and Lee. Everyone looked really good, but then, there was Hermoine.

Her dress was a floor length light blue dress, that fanned out at the bottom, and was sleeveless. As I watched her walk over, it felt like nobody else was in the room, just the two of us. She gave me a small smile, and I gave her one back, as her group started to walk into the ball. I wanted nothing more than to go to her and tell her how amazing she looked, but I knew that Draco wouldn't let me. He was basically my security guard for the night.

I watched as she walked in, not paying attention to anything else until I heard someone calling my name. "Ana!" I looked away from her, and back to my group, and saw that Pansy was staring at me, dramatically waving her hand in front of my face.

"Merlin, you were like, in a daze or something! What were you looking at?" She asked, but I had a feeling that she knew. I mean, she knew about Hermoine and I, so how could she not? "Just-um, the decorations are really cool." I said, and then looked back into the ballroom, hoping to get another glimpse of Hermoine, as Draco grabbed my arm and said "Shall we?" As he practically dragged me into the ballroom, leaving Blaise and Pansy behind.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" I shouted, as he speed-walked away from them. He pulled me into a corner, and then said "I hate listening to her speak. I can only stand so much of it." I mean, I kind of agreed, but she was getting better. I smirked at him and rolled my eyes, and he asked "I'm going to get a drink. Want one?" "Yeah, sure. Thanks." I answered, as he walked away.

After he said that, I took the opportunity to walk over to Hermoine, and I tapped her shoulder. She turned around, and exclaimed "Ana!" and gave me a hug. "Woah, what's that for?" I asked, laughing. She leaned into my ear, and whispered "Seeing you with Draco kind of ruined my mood for a second, the git. I guess I'm just happy to have you with me." She said, and then pulled away.

"You look...stunning." She said, and then everyone else chimed in with their, 'Hey Ana's' and their 'You look so pretty!' But honestly, I could only focus on Hermoine, until I felt a cold hand grab my shoulder, and turn me around.

I looked to see that it was Draco, and I could see that he was already scowling at the group before us. I gave him a stern stare, as he said "We need to go outside for a minute." In a cold voice. "Now? I mean, we just got here. I kinda want to hang out with everyo-" "Now." He said sternly, and I started to walk away with him, as I heard a voice say "Malfoy. If she wants to stay, then let her."

It was Harry. I could tell before I even turned around. He always had to make everything about his rivalry with Draco. Normally, I'd enjoy the entertainment, but not right now. Not when something was about to go down. Draco opened his mouth to respond, probably to insult Potter, but I interrupted him, saying "Harry, it's fine. I'll be back in a second." and gave him a reassuring smile, as I walked away from them.

"Why are we leaving, Draco? Is something wrong?" I asked, and he didn't answer me. After we left the ballroom, we kept walking until we got to the hallway right outside the common room, and I jerked my wrist out of his hand.

"Answer me! Is something happening now?! Please, Draco." He looked at me, and for the first time ever, he looked...sympathetic? "I'm sorry." He said, and just stared at me for a second.

I pulled away from him for the second time, and started to try and walked back to the ballroom, as I suddenly heard screams.

And they didn't sound like the happy screams you'd want to hear from a party.

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