chapter 36

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It was the day of the ball. With everything happening, I'd almost forgotten about it. Hermoine had left my dorm already, and since it was a Saturday, we didn't have any classes, so I had all day to get ready for the ball. But I couldn't help but be worried. What was Voldemort planning? And what was Dumbledore going to do about it?

Honestly, I'm just glad that I told him. At least now, if anything happens, I won't have as guilty of a conscience as I would've had if I'd stayed silent. I'd already told Hermoine and everyone that I'm going with Draco, and though they didn't seem fond of it, they didn't get mad. I mean, they probably talked behind my back about it, but what else could I expect?

Right as I got out of bed, I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked, and then the door burst open. It was Draco. "Oh, hey. Excited for the ball?" I asked him, and he glared back at me. "This is hardly the moment to be asking those kind of questions, Ana. Also, why are you still in your night clothes? You should be getting prepared." He spoke with a cold tone.

"...because I just woke up? Also, I'm not excited to go to the ball. I'm terrified, actually, because no one will tell me anything. I was just making small talk." I told him, standing up. "Since it's the day of, can you please tell me what's going to happen tonight? I won't tell anyone, I swear."

He gave me a long look, not saying anything, until he finally let out "I can't. It's for the best for you not to know." "Why? Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything?!? I'm just as capable as the rest of you, honestly more! God, I'm Voldemorts daughter! I shouldn't be kept in the dark. I need to know, now." I said, and had an idea.

I whipped out my wand, and put it to Dracos throat. "What are you doing? Stop!" He yelled, but I grabbed him and held it there. I wasn't going to do anything, obviously. I wouldn't even know how. But I had to scare him into thinking that I would. "Tell me, now, or I'll hurt you." I spoke angredly, as he said "You wouldn't. You know that my father would KILL you if he found out that you harmed me." He answered, as I replied.

"Yeah, and MY father would kill him, you, AND your mother if he found out that you were disobeying me. SO, tell me. Because you know that I'm not afraid to play things a little dirty." I said, and with that, his face looked scared. I could tell he was trying to hide it, but obviously, not very well.

"Fine. Please, just, put it down." He asked, and I obliged. "Honestly, I barely know anything about it myself. And the only thing I heard was two words."

"Okay, so what are the two words, then?" I asked, as he said "Polyjuice potion." My face scrunched up in confusion, as I said "Wait, they're going to impersonate someone? Do you know who?" "No. They barely told me anything, like I've told you 500 times. And I was lucky enough to hear that. I only know because I overheard my father saying discussing it with someone." He answered.

"Great. So we're not even going to know who it is. Just perfect." I said in a sarcastic tone, as he looked at me and said "Get ready. The balls in a few hours." And left the room. What was up with him and weird entrances? Because I swear that he did NOT use to be like that.

I studied for a while, because I had a quiz on Monday, and then started to get ready. I put waves in my hair, and then took two of the front pieces and tied them back. It wasn't the most formal hairstyle, but I loved it. That took about an hour, as I moved onto my makeup.

I did a green, cut crease eyeshadow, and put on natural looking fake lashes on top. Then, to finish it off, I put on a nude, glossy lipstick. I waited about an hour to put on my dress, because I didn't want to wear it for hours before the dance. It was about a half an hour until the ball started, and I decided to put it on. I called Pansy into my room to help zip me up, which she did, and she was acting very much like her normal self.

She didn't mention anything about our kiss, leading me to the conclusion that she didn't remember it, which was honestly a good thing in my opinion. I mean, can you IMAGINE how awkward that conversation would be?

As she finally finished zipping me up and pulled away, I could see that she was almost all ready too. Her makeup looked beautiful, she had on a smoky eye, and some dark red lipstick, similar to the one she wore last night, but she pulled it off. She didn't have her dress on yet, which was surprising, because she usually is obnoxious about having everything done before everyone else.

But I guess she's changed a lot, since those times. And honestly, I was kind of proud of her. She didn't talk about other peoples blood status anymore, or appearances, and that was a VERY good thing. She's a better person now than she's ever been. But enough about her.

Let's talk about how goddamn good I look right now, because WOW. I almost forgot how good this dress makes me look, and as I stood in front of the mirror, I admired myself. "Wow, Ana, you look beautiful." Pansy chimed in, and that made me smile. "Thanks. You do too, and you're not even in your dress yet! Go put it on, I wanna see." I told her, as she left the room to go get dressed.

I went out into the common room, and to see everyone so dressed up was a wonderful sight. I don't know why, but whenever we had a ball (which was basically never) I always got so happy. Pansy walked out, and when I saw her, my mouth grew into a smile. She had on a floor length skintight black dress, that fanned out at the bottom, and she looked amazing.

"Oh my god, Pansy! You look gorgeous!" I laughed, as she walked over to me. But as she did, Draco did too. "Ready?" He asked me, not looking happy at all, but putting his arm out for me. "Wow, how chivalrous, Draco." I joked, and took his arm. "Yeah, I'm ready. You guys wanna all go in together?" I asked, as Blaise walked over to us too. Him and Pansy were going together too.

"Sure." Blaise said, smirking and whispering something into Pansys ear. We all smiled, well all of us except for Draco, as we started to walk down the hallway, to get to the ball.

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