chapter 26

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As we sat on the bathroom floor, Hemoine holding me, suddenly, we heard the door burst open, and quickly let go of each other. As a shadow turned the corner, we realized that it was Ron and Harry. "Are you okay?" Harry asked me, as Hermoine helped me up. "Not really. But I will be." I told him, halfway trying to convince myself that it was true.

"Good. Merlin, we were really worried about you, Ana. You can't just go all Trelawney on us with no explanation and then run out of the room!" Ron exclaimed, and we all laughed. I wiped a tear from my face and sniffled, and said "A Trelawney? Really? You didn't have to do me like that!" I said, and we all laughed again. "Well, I'm glad you're alright. Seriously." Harry said, and I smiled at him. We all looked at each other for a second, until Hemoine turned to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You know you can always talk to me, right? You don't have to pretend you're okay around me. If somethings wrong, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She whispered into my ear as we embraced. But I soon felt another body come into the hug, then another. "No!" I yelled jokingly, as the boys gave us a group hug. We all laughed, and even though we stayed there for only a moment, it felt good. I forgot about Voldemort and Draco, and it felt like we were all kids again.

"What are they doing?" Blaise asked me, as we were walking out of our Herbology class. It had been a week since I found out that everything that happened was real, but nothing else had really happened since then. Blaise was on my left, and Pansy on my right. Draco was walking in front of us, but at a distance where we could still talk to each other. "I don't know, and I don't care. They're mudbloods. We shouldn't even be sparing them a glance." Draco answered. Of course he had to bring blood into this, I thought as I rolled my eyes. "Can you shut up about being a pureblood for two seconds please? It's annoying and it makes you sound like a little bitch." I told him, getting fed up with how he refers to them. Pansy and Blaise laughed, and I added "And blood doesn't matter at all. Three quarters of the kids at this school are better than you and they're muggleborn and half-bloods. And I think that they' looks like he's asking her something. But for what?" I wondered, still watching the couple.

There were fireworks in the air, and they were spelling out something that I couldn't quite read yet. "You didn't hear? There's going to be another ball next weekend!" Pansy chimed in, sounding very excited. "Really? Why did nobody tell me this? How am I gonna get a dress in time?" I complained. They really should have given us more notice. My mom lives in the states, and I know that I'm probably the only student with this problem at Hogwarts, but how was I going to get a dress sent to me in time? "Sucks to be you then, American. MY father is going to get me one of the finest suits ever made." Draco bragged.

"Why are you guys going all out for this? Is it gonna be a big thing, because I've kinda got other things to worry abou-" I started to say, but was cut off by Blaise. "Ana, this is going to be a very "big thing". They're giving us another Yule ball. Well, kind of." "What do you mean, kind of?" I asked, and Pansy replied "It's not actually the Yule ball, that only happens for the Triwizard Tournament, but, we've all been asking for another ball, so we're getting one. Just, without the other schools coming."

"Oh no. Now I have to find a date." I sighed, as I walked to my next class. It would be fun to go with Hermoine, but I know that we couldn't. People at Hogwarts can be...very old fashioned. Especially the Slytherins, and I can't have my own house turning against me. But I won't lie, I'm pretty excited about the ball. The Yule ball was probably the most fun I had all 4th year, hopefully this new ball will live up to it. "Hear about the ball, Ana?" Ginny asked me, as I walked into my D.A.D.A class and sat down at our table. "Yeah, it sounds kinda fun! I wish they would've told us sooner though. I don't have any dresses with me." I told her.

"That actually might be a good thing. Me, Luna, and Hermoine are going dress shopping this weekend when we go to Hogsmeade. Wanna come with?" She asked, with a mischevious smirk on her face. "You gotta look good for any boy who gets lucky enough to bring you as their date." She added, with a little laugh. I laughed along, pretending that it was funny. In reality, I didn't really want to go with a boy. I knew I had to, though, because I don't think there's anyone like me and Hermoine at Hogwarts. Or at least, if there were, no one was open about it.

"Yeah, I'd love to go. Thanks, Ginny." I told her as class started. But I couldn't really focus on class right now. I had to deal with something much more important.

Who was going to be my date to the ball?

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