chapter 8

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As I followed the other students into Hogwarts, and into the dining hall, everything inside looked the exact same as it had for years before. And I loved it. The hall was lit brightly with the many candles hanging from the ceiling. "Ana! How was your summer?" I heard a boy say, and when I turned to him, I realized it was Neville Longbottom.

"Hey Neville! It was pretty good, how was y-" I was about to ask him as we heard Dumbledore ask for all of the students to sit at our house tables, and to wait for the first years to come in. "Sorry, talk later?" I asked him after the headmaster made his announcement. "Definitely." Neville replied, as we both split apart from each other and went to sit down at our tables. I walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Blaise, who was a WAY better choice than Pansy, Crab, and Goyle at the other side of the table.

"Hey. Did you hear that there's another American transfer student coming this year?" He asked me as I sat next to him, my eyes widening. "Are you serious? Oh my god, that hasn't happened since..." I had to think about it for a second. I don't think it had happened in all of the years I've been in Hogwarts. "well since me, really." I replied, and as Blaise opened his mouth to speak again, I heard a deep voice on the other side of me say "He isn't serious. He's messing with you, mudblood. I'm not suprised you were dumb enough to believe him though. It is a common factor with all of you."

I knew who it was before I even turned around. Draco Malfoy, of course. His smirk and wink at me after he made his last statement kind of made me believe he didn't mean what he'd said. I mean, he usually never did, unless I said something to get him going. He just had to act mean to make the other Slytherins think he was cool. But it never worked on me. I knew from day one, that he was a sad, scared, misunderstood kid, and I knew because I could tell if someone else was just like me. I think that was why we bonded, why we were such close friends in private.

"Wow Malfoy, already starting with the mudblood comments? I thought I'd at LEAST get through the sorting ceremony without one. We usually do." I replied snarkily, but he knew I wasn't serious either. And even though he was to me, I was never really mean to him back.

"Alright students, it's time for the sorting ceremony, first years, line up over here, and when your house gets called, go to your respective table, am I clear?" I head Mcgonagall saying from outside the door of the dining hall. She was one of my favorite teachers. Along with Proffesor Trelawney and Lupin.

As all of the first years walked in, I whispered to Blaise and Draco, "Oh my god, they're so little. Which ones do you think are gonna come to us this year?" "Hopefully none of them. They all look like the goblins at Grindlewald. Disgusting if you ask me." Draco replied, and honestly, I kind of felt the same way. I mean, I liked our house the way it was. Even though most of the people were arrogant as hell, they were really fun to be around. I didn't want any first years coming and ruining our fun.

As the new students started to get sorted, a couple came to our table, most going to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. A select few went to Gryffindor. As I was watching the last of the kids get sorted, Draco leaned over and whispered in my ear "Let's hex them." "No! Draco they're just kids we can't!" I reply. Even though I don't necessarily want them here, I wouldn't want to cause them any harm.

"YOU can do it by yourself if you wanna hurt innocent little kids." I joked with him, but his face looked dead serious as he said "Good. I hate children. What's the purpose of them? All they do is run around and cry." "Draco, I think you're thinking of toddlers." I told him. "No, I know exactly what I'm talking about, American. I always do." He says sarcastically, as he rolls his eyes.

"SURE, Malfoy. Whatever you say." I said as the feast appeared and we were allowed to eat. I looked up from my plate for a second to see all of the new students, but instead, caught Hermoine staring at me from across the room. I made eye contact with her and gave her a warm smile, as she smiled back. After she looked away, I watched her for a second and noticed she was still smiling and looking down at her bracelet. I didn't know that it meant so much to her.

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