Chapter 7

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"Check on her pulse!".

"She's pulse fine!".

"Barbara keep healing her!".

"Im on it sis!".

"Y/n please wake up..."He held her hand tightly.

The female was asleep for 2 weeks. She hasn't woken up since Signora's attempt.

Venti looked down while feeling a tad bit guilty. He was the one who brought her in this mess. But there was one question in his mind along with Lumine and Paimon.

Why did she have a gnosis?.

"Ah—"Everyone turned towards the female. Diluc raised his head up and felt a small string of hope. He tightly held her hand and stood up. Everyone stood around her.

"Barbara! Keep healing her!". Barbara nods and started to heal her slowly.

What started as gasps, turned into violent coughing. Diluc held her hand even tigher. Lumine was biting her lip and Paimon kept her eyes closed.


Where was I?.

It was just darkness.

"The fallen archon of the past...".

I raised my head and looked around for the source. But all I saw was darkness, was it just my imagination?.

"To think she would live again in this body...". I blinked and opened my mouth to scream at it but nothing came out.

The voice laughed lightly. Most people would think it was creepy, but her laugh was filled with warmth and I felt at peace.

My eyes relaxed and my confusion was slowly fading away. "But the archon is locked away in the back of her mind"The voice sounds mad this time.

"Allow me to wake you up—"I blinked and saw a woman. She had long golden hair and diamond eyes. "My dear master".

I fell backwards and began to see the darkness fade away. Well, more like the darkness broke like glass and it showed the sky.

A white dress appeared on my body. I wore an off shoulder dress a my hair was up to my lower back. It was white with purple tips.

My hair wasn't tied.

Even though I was falling, I was calm.

When I reached the ground I felt no pain. Instead I felt myself being caught. I turned to meet my savior and I saw the geo archon himself, Zhongli.

"Are you alright?". I nodded as he placed me down gently.

I turned and noticed an arrow heading towards me. I closed my eyes shut and felt the wind change the arrows course. I looked around and saw Venti's original form on my shoulder.

He seemed happy.

There were 5 more people around me but they were all scattered around making it hard to see who they were. My head started to hurt.

"I assure you, the 7 of us will protect you..."Zhongli smiled gently. I could feel the air around me grow colder.

Zhongli and Venti backed away from me. The winds swirled around me and I started to scream in pain.

"Calm down!"Zhongli screamed. An arrow went past his cheek and scarred him. Venti was kicked to the ground, the other archons were getting hurt.

Tears ran down my cheeks. "Im going to protect everyone..."I muttered.

"I dont want anyone else to get hurt!"I screamed while raising my hands.

Something floated out of my body— a gnosis...

"Dont!"6 people screamed.

A small smile formed on my lips. "See you".

Smashing my hands on the ground, it broke away slowly. The wind around me turned into a snow storm and I started to freeze. The gnosis spun around before flying away to somewhere else.

And then it was silent.

I coughed more and more before sitting up harshly, I felt I had forgotten something important. I clutched my chest and looked around.

Eveyone looked concerned for some reason. But soon they all burst into tears. I looked around confused. "W-why is everyone crying?".

Venti smiled"You were asleep for 2 weeks smartass".

I was surprised. "WAIT WTF REALLY?!".

I tried to punch Venti with my left hand u someone was holding it. I turned and saw Diluc holding my hand while covering his mouth with his other hand. He wasn't crying but he was clearly relieved.

I just woke up and I felt my blood go up to my face. "U-U-Uhhhhh".

Diluc pulled me in and hugged me. I looked at Venti while being red af.

Like someone explain to me what tf was going on and why THE Diluc was hugging me.

"U-uh, D-Diluc?". Diluc lets go.

"O-Oh... Im just glad you're fine".

"Thanks, now then, arent we hungry? Lets cook Paimon now—".

Everyone fell silent as they wore this face.

Everyone fell silent as they wore this face

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Everyone thought of one thing only.

"Just get married already".

(Alright! See you guys next year then! Lol I swear if anyone is confused I will rewrite chapter 6-7 and thanks for reading this crap, im thankful yall are Diluc simps— *ahem* anyways advance happy new year!)

I just found this on twitter a few weeks ago, I dont know who made it but credits to them for making this masterpiece.

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