Chapter 16

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Venti's eyes widened as he stared at the woman in front of him. He couldn't say anything. Was it really her?.

Oh fuck, Venti had just cried over Y/n's death and now an old friend appears before him saying that he shouldn't kill of Y/n.

Venti couldn't stop the tears. Diluc and the acting grand master were just standing there speechless towards the figure in front of them.

The woman had long white hair with purple ends, her white gown fell gently on her curves and her golden eyes pierced through them.

They felt warm and at peace while they stared at her, they felt as if they wanted to sleep and rest quietly. Venti turned to the two before blocking their vision. "You two shouldn't really be looking at her with your eyes" He said with a soft smile.

"Anyways, onto what I said before... DON'T KILL Y/N OFF!!" Anesthesia exclaimed at Venti. The said bard covered his ears before letting out a heartfelt chuckle.

"What makes you sure she's even alive? It's not like you two are bound to each othe-"

"Yeah, we are"

Venti froze up, unable to finish his sentence he began to stutter. Anesthesia sighed at the now confused bard before turning to Diluc and Jean.

Her body began to glow brighter and she became clear.

A small water droplet sound was heard the moment her feet came into contact with the ground. "Come now" Her voice sounded soft although her eyes were full of authority. Diluc and Jean followed the Anesthesia, "Actually, Only sir Diluc... If you don't mind Jean" She said with a smile.

Jean only nodded, it wasn't as if she could just say no to an Archon. And yes, she knows.

"Of course" The acting grand master replied, she quickly went to the anemo archon's side as he was shaking with confusion.

Anesthesia stopped outside and laughed, "Is he causing trouble for any of you?". Diluc shook his head, "I want to ask you about—" Diluc stopped, oh dear celestia why did he try to talk with an Archon so rudely?. Of course he would always hit the bard and is casual with him. But Anesthesia was different, she actually gave out an aura that of an Archon.

(Yes I will not stop about Venti being the most un-archon of the 7... Also, when Kazuha come's... So will I).

"Of course, of course, you want to ask about Y/n right?". Diluc perked up at the  sound of your name making Anesthesia laugh lightly. "She isn't dead... I mean, How could she die when she doesn't have a boyfriend yet?" Anesthesia snickered at the thought of your incredibly single self.

"Of course, since she's single, she is ready to mingle~" She turned to the winery owner with a smirk. Diluc only sighed, "Where is she?".

Anesthesia sat on the balcony with her body facing Diluc. "That, I don't know... But whether she is alive or not... I can easily determine that—" The archon grasped her chest before inhaling a sharp breath.

She began to cough "Ha... So she's starting the ceremony huh?" Anesthesia grinned menacingly. Her voice felt like cold daggers stabbing into Diluc's flesh, "Get ready".


Lilith licked her lips in anticipation. "Ah~~ how beautiful you look right now!".

Chains were on the young maiden's wrist and ankles, a blindfold was over her eyes as blood dripped down from her chest to the seal below her. Her body had turned stiff as a few hours has already passed. The room was cold and the smell of blood was eminent.

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