Chapter 13

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No memories sadly 。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。
Anesthesia is busy bullying the archons! Oh right! It's your pov now!


I was getting worried. Where was Venti?. Did Diluc do something? No wait! What if he's in danger?! Oh god where are they!.

I stood up and looked outside.

Carefully making my way around the city I didn't find a single sign of Venti nor Diluc. I've already asked everywhere. Maybe they were outside?.


I still haven't found them. Now I was more than worried. "Venti!! Diluc!!"I screamed.

I began to go from walking to running when I heard a faint groan.

"Venti?! Diluc?!"I screamed again. I kept running until they appeared in front of me. Venti was holding his head, he was most likely in pain as he was on the ground unable to stand up.

Diluc on the other hand had just started to wake up probably because of Venti nudging him.

"Are you two okay?!"I screamed.

Venti's eyes widened and crawled backwards before hissing because of his headache. "Stay away!"He screamed when I tried to help.

"Huh?!"I yelled. "Why are you so stingy?! Im just trying to help your ass!"I screamed in anger. Diluc sat up and was slowly coming back to earth.

"Y-You're Y/n?"He asked. I puffed my cheeks and pinched Venti's cheeks. "It is me!".

"Y-Y/n?"I froze up. I completely forgot Diluc was here too... Well fuck.

I slowly turned with a cold expression. "What?".

Venti held my shoulder and smiled"Don't be so mad, he didn't say that on purpose"He said.

"What the fuck do you mean?"I turned to Diluc as his red eyes turned from hazy to clear. "What in the...".

"Diluc is being controlled right now".

"Okay I am so confused, someone explain to me".

"Y-Yeah... W-Wait a minute-"Venti fell onto the ground, unconscious. "VENTI!".


Venti is explaining cause he woke up now. This will be long to explain what the fuck is happing right now.

"First of all... You have a doppelganger"He said. "I have a what?"I raised a brow at him.

"Well, to be exact I found out there is a woman who can turn into anyone".

"How can you be so sure?". Venti laughed lightly before talking again"It's just a guess, and the way she turns into someone else is just an illusion".

"What I noticed was that she can change how she looks on someone, but it seems she can only fool one person at a time"Venti pondered for a moment and sighed. "Ah!!!! I can't think of any archon I know of who can do that!"He exclaimed.

"Stop thinking, rest your pea size brain"I said before hitting him. "Ow!!".

"So explain to me what is wrong with Diluc?"I asked turning to the blushing redhead beside the door frame.

"You should ask him yourself!, By the way do you have a glass of win-"I raised the chair I was sitting on and got ready to whack him with it.

"SORRY!!!"He screamed trying to calm me down. I stopped midway when I heard Diluc cough. "What is it"I asked. I was still a bit mean to him... I still wasn't over at what he did.

"Can we talk about what happened outside?". I sighed and walked towards the door. "Let's go, Venti don't steal another wine glass"I glared.

Venti flinched and nodded.

We walked over to the hall and I leaned on the wall... Oh fuck I feel so badass. I couldn't hide the blush on my cheeks that formed from my embarrassment.

"Um... I'm sorry for what happened yesterday"Diluc muttered in a hushed tone.

"Hah?"I asked as I couldn't hear him right. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday... I didn't know what I was doing".

I sighed and just pat his shoulder"It's all in the past now, just... Don't get controlled again"I laughed.

"I know"He said. I walked away to go back to Venti. "Wait!"He exlaimed.

"What is it?". "Did the bard tell you how I was controlled?"He asked.

I raised a brow"I better ask him then"I signed getting ready to hit Venti again for leaving out the important information.

"N-No actually don't".

Ohohohoho~ I smugly smirked at him before waving my hand"Yeah yeah I won't...".

Oh dear archons I will ask so fucking quickly about it. What? I'm not some dense protagonist that doesn't follow their curiosity!.

I burst open the door. "What happened?"Venti raised a brow.

"How exactly did Diluc get controlled?"I smirked. He flinched before smirking smugly. "Ehhe, don't get embarrassed when you find out~".

Now it was my turn to flinch. "What exactly happened? EXPLAIN CLEARLY".

"Your doppelganger seemed to have confessed".


My face turned red in a second. "WHAT?!".

"You know even Diluc didn't know how to respond~ but based on his reaction I think he also likes yo—".

"I REGRET ASKING!!!"I screamed falling onto my knees"Uh I hate you so much".

Venti blinked before smiling warmly"We both know that's a lie". Before smirking.

"But seriously you should confess for real this time".


... 4th wall break, EVE from JJK is an incredible OP. :) We coming close to chapter 18-20 which is probably the last chapter if my memory would be right. Also...

I might not update in a few weeks, I have some projects to work on, so see you!!! :3

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