Chapter 21

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"D-Diluc?" Venti could only stare in fear of the red head in front of him. "I'll kill you both" He said which made Venti stand up with Jean's help.

"What did you do to him?!" Venti screamed towards the herrscher who was smirking deviously. "Come on, why blame me? It's your fault he became like this anyway" She said shrugging her shoulders.

The herrscher watched as Venti looked at the ground.

"So the gods in this worl—"

"Hah?!! How is it my fault! You're the one who's controlling him!" Venti yelled out in a rather annoyed tone.

The herrscher was taken aback and blinked several times. "Eh?", She stared at Venti who was fuming angrily.

"I just got over the guilt of bringing her here and you're bringing it back?!" Venti points at the female. Jean and Kaeya stared at Venti as this was not the time to throw a tantrum.

Diluc raised his claymore and struck towards Kaeya. He dodged the attack and appeared behind Diluc. "Surprise Shawty~" Kaeya smirked before punching Diluc's cheek and kicking his gut.

He fell to the ground while Kaeya stepped on Diluc's head harshly as Diluc tried desperately to get up. "I never knew you were this weak brother" He mocked.

The herrscher clicked her tongue and raised her hand. "I don't want to dirty my hands so you take care of it", Diluc was covered with miasma.

Kaeya jumped back and Diluc stood up. The miasma covering him went for Kaeya. Lighting struck between Diluc and Kaeya which made the miasma retract to Diluc.

"How could you fight while leaving us out?"

Everyone turned to the voice to see a smirking Scaramouche and a bored Signora.

"Don't get squished pipsqueak" Signora said examining her nails. Scaramouche laughs lightly "How about don't get in my way you huge woman" He walked forward.

"You idiots fight that woman" Scaramouche points at the herrscher before turning towards Diluc. "We'll take care of this guy" .

"Actually I would like to help, I never had an excuse to duel with my brother before" Kaeya smiled sinisterly.

Jean and Venti made their way towards the herrscher. "Oh? You're approaching me?" She smirked while throwing Y/n's body to the side.

Venti glared at her because of what she did. He breathed in and out before summoning his bow and aiming it at her.

"Well, I can't beat the shit out of you without coming closer" Venti smirked before releasing his arrow.

The herrscher flicked her wrist deflecting the arrow. Venti flew upwards and summoned raging tornados around them.

Jean ran up to the herrscher before spinning to gain momentum. "You're wasting my time" The herrscher yawned and flew upwards right after flinging Jean to the side of the bridge. Jean managed to get a hold of the stone preventing her from falling into the water.

As Jean struggled to push herself up the herrscher smirked "Entertain me better mortals" The tornados disappeared and miasma crept from their feet.

The miasma started to climb Venti's bodies. He tried to push it off him but it was like a rope holding him in place.

It covered Venti's mouth, forcing him to inhale it. His vision became blurry and the miasma retracted. Venti started to cough violently. Sooner or later Venti coughed up black blood which made everything worse.

Diluc also started to do the same. "Ah, he gave out as well" She sighed in disappointment.

"You're all boring" The herrscher pouts before smirking again. "Let's just go to another nation~" She starts to float but she was held in place by a geo construct.

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