Chapter 24

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P.s I was listening/singing Honkai music while making this chapter, so this will be a mix of funny and sad moments... Fud—
And yes, its nightglow. Also this will be slightly gorey

- As an apology for the 2 week disappearance, I will post another chapter within 2-3 days :3 if possible maybe in a couple hours.


The fight lasted longer than we had expected. And even when the herrscher got tired, she would distract us with more honkai beasts in order for her to have enough time regaining her strength.

"Stop hiding and fight us coward!!" I screamed. She glared at me while pointing her finger.

"Who's the coward here?! Waiting for your oponent to get tired!"

I gasped dramatically before throwing a dagger at her. "Then come and fight me!" I reply to her. She flinched and looked away "W-Well, one must regain her strength..." She mumbles.

"Im gonna kill her—" I said while folding my sleeves up. "Y/n, relax..." Sukuna said trying to calm me down.

Albedo was busy bringing everyone back to normal, and Sukuna was destroying the honkai beasts.

I yelled out in annoyance. "Why do I have to be the only one fighting the herrscher?! For fucks sake, Im fighting a herrscher!" I said.

As if the herrschers personality did a 180 after resting she lunged at me. Thankfully, I managed to dodge it.

Of course she still hit me. Her lips had this sadistic grin on it. "You want a fight?" She summoned a katana and aimed it at me.

"Then fine, you'll get your fight!" The HoC raised her hand and glided her fingers across the katana. As her fingers glide across it, the katana began to turn black and green.

"Im sure you're curious to what this does right?" She made her way to an unconscious civilian and took them by the hair before kicking them which woke them up.

"Watch closely~"

The tip of her sword had barely grazed their skin but the smoke had begun to melt through the skin. The civilian screamed loudly, pleading for them to stop.

I was frozen in place, the murderous intent that was coming from the herrscher was not joke. It was like a thick fog to my lungs and the weight was like a mountain was crushing my body.

Blood began to oose out from their body and the moment her blade had made contact, the part where it had touched wasn't there anymore. The lower half of the person had been blasted off and their organs was falling onto the ground slowly.

Sukuna and Albedo looked as if they were holding in a puke while I felt my sweat fall from my chin to the ground dramatically.

She threw the person to the ground and made her way to me. "Were your taunts all bark and no bite?" Her hand firmly griped my face and she pulled it towards her.

Her blade was slowly neared my neck and I couldn't move from fear.

"Get away from my sister!" Sukuna screamed while holding a claymore in his hands.

He raised it up high before striking down harshly between me and the herrscher forcing her to retreat.

My legs gave out and I touched my neck, I bit my lip before standing up with the help of Sukuna.

I turned to the claymore Sukuna was holding, it was the wolfs gravestone. I forgot about what was happening for a moment as I look at me surprised.

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