Chapter 2

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Was this my life?.

I opened my eyes to see emergency food, the hot man, and Lumine looming over me and Venti.

"So uh... Morning?"I said trying to push them away. Venti rolled and had his whole upper body ontop of my stomach. This made it harder to breathe. Geez! Is this gremlin trying to kill me or what?!.

I smacked Venti's head as he jumped up hitting Lumine's head in the process.

Venti panicked and checked on her while I snickered. Diluc crossed his arms and looked at me with an emotionless gaze. "You like bullying the bard don't you?".

I looked away"It's not like I like to bully the guy, I just want him to suffer"I smiled.

Diluc chuckled"Interesting".

I looked away with a few tears in my eyes, Oh why does this man look so hot!.

Diluc watched as Paimon was pulling the drunk bard away from Lumine to prevent him for accidentally puking on her.

I sighed and kicked the hell out of Venti.


We all sat down. Diluc had offered us to stay at the tavern for a while. Of course Venti was going to refuse, but I smiled and just accepted.

Diluc had opened the tavern by now and was cleaning the cups using a small towel.

Venti peeked over the counter to grab a drink when Diluc catched his hand and glared at him. Venti shrunk back before pouting.

I sighed and laid my head on the counter. "Are you tired?"Venti asked. "You think i'm not?"I glared. Venti chuckled before talking to Diluc about something.

I just yawned and went outside.

I swear its been 3 days since I've been here but I could never get over the fact that-

"Why cant I use a vision?!!! Cant Venti just give me one?!!"I screamed. People around me started to whisper in which I backed away from.

I started to leave Mondstadt, Im pretty sure The four of them would kill me since I didn't tell them but oh well.

I shrugged my shoulders before exploring. I looked around and saw a Hilichurl camp. There was two small hilichurls and one abyss mage. Like wtf is with this combo.

I slowly backed away since I realized I didn't have a weapon.

I stepped on a branch. I cried at the clicheness of the situation and ran for my life. The Abyss Mage started to teleport and laugh. "STOP IT YOUR LAUGH IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF!"I screamed throwing a bunch of rocks at it.

I guess only the mage noticed me since the hilichurls were just dancing around.

The abyss mage let out an attack and I dodged quickly. "Are you trying to burn me?!".

I kept running. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck-".

I bumped into someone. "Are you alright?"He asked. I looked up and I nearly fainted. The man below me was the one and only cyro boi Kaeya.

"Yes-"Wait this isn't the time!.

I quickly grabbed his sword and pulled him up before grabbing his arm and placing the sword on his palm. He stared at me blankly not knowing what the hell was happening.

I made him face the abyss mage. He chuckled"I see, so this mage was chasing this beauty...".

I blushed a bit, his guy sure knows his way with words. "Bad guys must be punished".


In a flash the abyss mage was on the ground.

"Are you alright?"He asked sheathing his sword. I nodded furiously. "That's a relief"He smiled.

"Shall I escort you to your destination?"He asked outstretching his hand. I cried inside knowing these hot men are going to kill me someday. And in Childe's case its literally.

I took his hand and tried my best not to smile, but I knew I was smiling.


Kaeya whistled at the tavern. "I see you also come here often"He chuckled. I opened the door"I actually live here". The moment the door opened I was tackled to the ground by Paimon and Venti.

"You two get off me!!!". "We were worried!!!".

"Is she back?". I turned and saw a pale Diluc. "What the hell happened here?". Then I saw a drunk Lumine. "Ok what the fuck happened?".

Diluc let out a sigh of relief before coughing after realizing Kaeya was smirking at him.

I finally pushed Venti and Paimon off me, well, only Paimon as Venti was clinging onto my legs. Kaeya chuckled as I was tending to Lumine as she was too drunk to move.


Kaeya smirked at Diluc. "Would you please stop that?". Kaeya chuckled and smiled while crossing his arms. "So what happened?".

"The beauty was being chased by a beast so a knight saved her".

"Explain". Kaeya shrugged his shoulders"She was being chased around by an abyss mage and she bumped into me I guess".

"I thank you for saving her". Kaeya began to laugh"Its fine, it was quite nice to have a beauty on top of me".

Diluc's face turned white. "W-What?".

Kaeya smirked"Not telling you, and aren't you going out of character right now?".

Diluc coughed and adjusted his sleeves.

Kaeya looked at Venti who was trying to cling onto Y/n.

He knew exactly why Diluc was acting this way, and oh boy did he also know its the beginning of something he would love to see one day

(This chapter is a bit confusing am I right? XD)

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