Chapter 12

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More random memories with

"Ventiii—"The small flying ball of cuteness floats toward the archon that called it with a cheerful face.
"Wanna screw over Zhongli?"She asked with a smirk. Venti backed away gently as she was sinisterly looked at the floating orb.
(To be continued :V)


I left Y/n inside of the tavern to cool off... Why did he say that anyway? What happened to him.

I float down onto the ground and searched around the bar. No sign of him anywhere. "Sir Charles, have you seen Master Diluc here?".

Charles shook his head in disappointment.

I let out a heavy sigh before looking around more.


Where in all that is holy about dandelion wine is he?!.

I searched everywhere and yet I can't find him!. I walked around a bit more before falling onto the ground in defeat. Where is the guyyyy—.

A loud rustle was hear from behind me. Turning around I saw two figures.

I hid behind a tree— well more like I sat on a branch and listened.

"Y/n I told you not to meet me anymore!"A familiar voice yelled. I crouched and heightened my senses using the wind.

"Diluc?"I mumbled before looking at the other person.

Hey, that isn't Y/n!.

I turned to Diluc as he was trying to explain to 'Y/n' why he said to not see him anymore.

"Look, I don't know how to answer your feelings!"He said with a very noticeable blush on his cheeks.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance, why didn't I bring any of that popcorn Y/n made once?.

The woman that Diluc said to be 'Y/n' had long black hair and her skin was pale white, her eyes were covered by her bangs but it was noticeable that her eye color was blue as it was glowing.

She wore a long silky black dress that hid most of her body except her right leg which was going through a slit in her dress. She had a creepy smile on her face and she walked closer to Diluc and touched his face.

"Don't you love me too?"She smirked.

Who is she?. Diluc backed away. And had his back against the tree. The toman opened her left hand. My eyes widened as I summoned the wind to push her hand back.

I jump down and pushed Diluc with me. The woman backed away with a small frown on her face. "Who are you?!"I screamed.

The woman frowned and backed away.

I summoned my bow and aimed it at them. "Dont even think of running away!".

I shot my arrow and it grazed past her cheek. Although she dodged she was cut. She started to growl angrily.

Diluc turned to me with a surprised gaze. He pushed down my bow and tried to stop me. "What are you doing! Can't you see thats not Y/n?!"I screamed.

"Huh?!"He screamed at me before looking at the woman.

"Diluc... Venti's lost his mind! Help!"She screamed. Diluc stood up and turned to me worriedly. "Bard... Why are you trying to hurt Y/n? Do you hate her so?"He asked shaking.

Diluc wasn't himself... I turned to the woman and she smirked back at me. "You..."I growled angrily before dodging Diluc's punch.

"Diluc! Stop being blind!"I screamed dodging more attacks. "Hah?! Aren't you the one being blind?!"He screamed.

This really wasn't something he would do. I looked around to see if she was using something to control Diluc.

Something flickers around the mystery woman. I turned my attention to her before dodging another attack from the controlled Diluc before lunging at the woman.

I outstretched my arm and tried to grab her arm but she walked backwards and Diluc kicked me. I gasped and fell onto the ground.

She smirked while hiding behind Diluc. "Venti... Do you hate me that much?".

A scowl formed on my lips as I clicked my tongue in annoyance. I closed my eyes and stood up.

I opened my hand and started to use my gnosis. I used the wooden lyre I had stashed in my pocket and I form a large tornado.

"Begone!"I screamed. I formed a barrier around Diluc to prevent him from flying away. The woman however was pulled up from the ground as she flew in the wind.

Diluc's eyes became hazy as he fell onto the ground. I made my way to Diluc and picked him up.

My eyes widened as I stared at the tornado disappear and the woman flying above us.

She had a frown on her face as she raised her hand. "You dare interfere with my plans... BARBATOS?!".

I raises my left arm to cover us as the wind grew violent.

Her blue eyes became a lot more visible under the moonlight.

"WHO ARE YOU?!". She only turned to me with an emotionless face.

My ears starts to ring as soon as she said her name, meaning I couldn't hear it at all.

"W-Wait!"I said while covering my ears. Ah... My head hurts...

My eyes start to close on its own as her figure slowly disappeared. "H-Hey..."I mumbled before completely fainting.


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