Chapter 9

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I can't see anything...




"so you're telling us, she's an archon?"Paimon asked as Mona nodded. Paimon and Lumine turned to Venti with a 'How tf did you not know?' look.

Venti looked at them as if he didn't even know wtf was going on. "Alright, she's just over there resting, maybe she would wake up a couple hours later".

"This is getting interesting"Kaeya smirked as he leaned onto the door.

"Will she be alright?"Diluc asked.

Mona smiled gently and nodded.


2 hours later


"Is she even alive?"Paimon asked floating around Lumine before sitting on the table.

Lumine turned to towards your body and began to hit it.

"S-S-STOP!!!"Paimon screamed. Venti laughed lightly as if saying "karma-".

Mona sighed and rubbed her temples as to Diluc and Kaeya... Well they were off talking somewhere.


"Hi!". I swear shit is getting weirder and weirder. "H-Hello there?".

The white haired woman turned to me with a soft smile. She looked beautiful. It was incomparable to any other beauty in Teyvat.

"Welcome dear"She said softly. I could feel everything disappear. "Who are you?".

She sstood up and gave me a bouquet of cecilia's. "Me and Barbatos quite enjoyed these flowers"She smiled.

"Um... Who?".

"Oh! Right, silly me"She laughed. "My name is Anesthesia".

My eyes widened"THE ANESTHESIA from Mona's story?".

"Story? Oh my, I guess I have been gone for a few decades now"Anesthesia sat next to me. "Can you explain to me what is happening? And why I can talk to you?".

"Well, The astrologist Mona Megistus has managed to allow me to talk with you, the truth is I shouldn't even be able to be here".

"What do you mean?".

"See, I was supposed just transfer the gnosis to your body".

"Why would you transfer your gnosis into me?"She opened her hands and the white gnosis shined brightly. "This gnosis was given to me when I got here".

"By who?".

"Hmm, based on Rex Lapiz he told me it was given to me because I was chosen by Celestia, not that I understand it either"She laughed.

I laughed lightly at her feeling a bit closer to the archon. We talked and talked until the sun was setting. "How many hours have we been talking?"I laughed gently.

Anesthesia smiled and hugged me tightly.

"A-Anesthesia?"I asked. She burried her head onto my shoulder and I could hear gentle sobs coming out of her.

"Why are you crying?"I asked while gently caressing her head.

"P-Please... P-Please protect... The s-seven archons... I- I just want... Them... To b-be happy..."She had difficulty saying those words.

Anesthesia held onto me tighter. "Please...".

"How about a promise?"I asked. She looked up at me and I could see the happiness in her eyes.

"I promise you, I'll keep them safe"I laughed. She looked down and held her face, still crying.

I cupped her cheeks and smiled. "It's okay".

"I-I can't live much longer"She mumbled. "What do you mean by that?". Anesthesia turned her chest towards me and she revealed a large wound.

My eyes widened as I begin to try and process what could have happened.

"This was where my gnosis was..."She touched her wound gently before hissing.

"W-Wait!"I began to look through my pockets in an attempt to find the gnosis.

"Are you looking for this?"She asked.

I raised my head up abruptly. She was holding the gnosis in her hands.

"T-There, try to-".

"Even if I can, I wont"Her voice sounded stern. "P-Please just try to-".

I gasped. I looked down to see her hand inside of my chest. "Take the gnosis"She pushed her hand and left the gnosis inside of me.

I screamed and curled up into a ball. The pain was unbearable.

"When I disappear... you will inherit my powers and appearance"Anesthesia stood up and held me up.

"Rest now... Your friends are waiting for you on the other side"She held me in her arms, kind of like how a mother would hold her child.

"WHO THE FUCK HAS BEEN HITTING ME-"I screamed sitting up.

Everyone turned to me and Lumine froze.

I turned towards her and sighed"That hurt?".

Lumine stood up and walked away. "Are you alright?"Diluc ran towards me.

I nodded and stood up. But exactly when I stepped the air went cold. Ice began to form on the floor.

"Well fuck".

Venti ran to me and used his anemo powers to destroy the ice.

"Signora?"Lumine asked. Venti turned to her unsure. I raised my hands. "Chill people, the big woman ain't here"I said.

Mona stood up and pushed everyone to the side. She gave me a book.


I stared at it with concerns and doubts as I held it in my hands.

I didn't even have a 5* weapon on my acc.

I chuckled in an evil way.

Mona sat on her desk"Cast spell"She said.

Huh?. Mona stood up and sighed. "I think you're a cryo catalyst user now try".

Uhhh... Were there spells in the game? Oh well.

"Uhm... Come forth?"I held the book in my hand while outstretching the other.

The book started to float and a spear of ice formed hitting the wall with great speed.

Everyone was surprised.

"Okay what did I do now?"

(I have updated the Announcement page
Edit: I updated it again this time its more important... Well its really important so check it out)

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