Chapter 8

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"My lady, where shall I go next?".
The young archon turned around and smiled and the blonde.
"Towards the future".
The young blond didn't understand her master at all. How could she go to the future?.
A light giggle escaped the archon's lips.
"My lady, how could I go to the future?".

"I also dont know"She smiled.
The blond looked at her master, dumbfounded on how stupid she was.


"I DIDN'T KILL THE KIDS PIGEONS!"Venti screamed in protest. Paimon glared at him.

I turned to Diluc and Lumine who were quietly eating breakfast trying their best not to let Paimon know they were the ones murdering Timmie's pigeons everyday.

I laughed gently before turning to the two. "Please stop fighting, unless you want me took cook you". Paimon screamed and went to Lumine.

Venti turned to me happily. "I always knew you had a spot for m—"I raise my fork and pointed it at his throat. "One more word this thing goes through your neck".

Venti backed away and sulked in the corner.

Everything was nearly back to normal... Well mostly. I occasionally get headaches from time to time. This is why we're going to Mona for help... HAHAHAHA THICC THIGHS SAVE LIVES— ahem.

Diluc stood up and just on cue his cryo brother entered the mansion Diluc has given us permission to stay in instead of the tavern.

"Well hello there~". Diluc was giving off an angry aura that was noticed by everyone except the cryo man.

"May I join you for breakfast?". I sighed and pointed the fork at him. "Stop being fancy I can hear your stomach from here".

His stomach growled and he sat down next to Diluc. "Thanks for the food!"He smiled and ate.

"What a pig"Diluc mumbled moving his chair away from Kaeya. "Come on be nicer to the better brother~". Diluc and Kaeya started fo bicker.

I rubbed my temples. Seriously, whenever these two are together their IQ drops to 0.

"Stop acting like little kids!"I growled at them. They both stopped. Diluc sighed and stood up while Kaeya laughed.


We arrived at Mona's rented house. "You're here!"She opened the door gleefully. "Please enter!".

I entered. She closed the door in front of the others face and smiled. "Sooooo~".

She went towards me and studied me. "Fascinating!"She smirked.

"The stars are telling me you're not from here like the traveler". I sat on the ground as Mona studied me like I was an ancient doll.

She summoned a small magic cirle and turned random things around and then her face dropped.

She pulled me up and patted my waist, face and legs.

"Hmm..."Mona then went over to a random desk and took out an old book.

She turned a couple of pages and she gasped. "I knew it, the stars never lie"She smirked and turned to me whe closing the book.

"Uh... I came here for my headache?".

"Yes, yes the headache, follow me"I didn't question her intentions I just knew she was going to take me somewhere and explain something to me.


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