Chapter 4

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"Dont go wandering off- What did I just say?"Diluc sighed while pulling me away from a chest. "Come on at least let me see some treasures"I said while being dragged along by Diluc.

"You told me to protect you so I will". I pouted. Soon we heard a bunch of Hilichurls so we hid. They walked past us. "Why the fuck are you hiding? Can't you just like smack them with your huge ass sword?".

"Try holding it"I gladly took his offer and almost fell onto the concrete when Diluc held me by the waist while taking his claymore away. "I need to conserve my energy".

"You're such an ass"Is what I wanted to say but who could talk when a hot man was holding you close and his hand around your waist? Tell me, WHO?.

I tried to say something but all that came out were nonsense so I just shut my mouth up and felt my cheeks get redder and redder. I tapped his arm and he looked at me confused. "C-Can you?".

Diluc realized it and let go of me. "Sorry"He mumbled looking at the door. His back facing at me.

"Just stick close to me and dont go wandering off". "You already said that earlier".

"Well if i dont say it again you wont listen". "You know I dont listen".

Diluc sighed and just ended our little conversation. He pointed at the panel and I activated it.

The door opened and we saw two large wooden shield hilichurl. And ten small hilichurls. Well fuck.

"Diluc can you like-".

He sighed and walked infront of me. The hiluchurls surrounded us.

I got my bow and pulled back an arrow. A hilichurl lunged at me and I was taken aback. I tried to aim but the hilichurl was already too close.

I closed my eyes and Diluc cuts the hilichurl in half and he stood there.

"Im your enemy".

He only said three fucking words and he sounds so fucking hot- wait no this isn't the time to be fantasizing!.

The hilichurls all lunged at him and he was burried under them.

"Diluc!"I aimed my arrow towards the large pile and let go.

Of course it would hit... Right?

It missed-.

Diluc summoned this huge ass phoenix and it pulled all the hilichurls up into the air. Diluc took the arrow that I missed and spun around to throw it into the hilichurls in the sky.

Holy shit this man is hot-.

Diluc jumped up into the air and his claymore was covered in flames. He plunge attacked and the hilichurls were gone.

He wiped off a small bead of sweat from his forehead and he looked at me. "How the fuck did you miss?".

I chuckled nervously. "Sorry"I said.

Diluc sighed before storing his claymore. "Go get the chest".

I ran towards the precious chest and opened it. So many gold and... XP books? No wait these are writings...

I looked at it but I couldn't understand a thing. Diluc took the writings and rolled them up. "This is what we came here for, now come on, lets go back".

I remembered what I came home to one time. I stood up and nodded with a blank face. "Lets go".


Okay... Fuck it.

I pulled Lumine away from the drinks. "ALRIGHT WHO IS FEEDING LUMINE WINE?!".

Kaeya was starting to tip toe away when Diluc caught him. "I-It wasn't my fault! You see, the traveler was thirsty and I asked the bard to pass me a drink, I didn't know that he gave me wine!".


Venti entered the tavern with a bright smile. "What happened?".

I smiled at Venti before trapping him. He looked like he was scared out of his mind. I smiled at him sweetly before asking. "Why did you give our precious Lumine wine? You do know she's underage right?"Venti looked away. "I-It was Paimons fault!".

Paimon gasped. "I-IT WASN'T!"She screamed looking really guilty.

I turned towards her. "I wonder what pAiMon rOaSt tAsTes lIke?"Paimon screamed.

Diluc held me back"Enough, I need to rest, I can't rest when all you fools are screaming in MY tavern"I gulped and bowed. "Yes sir".

The 5 of us left the tavern and I sighed. "Sooo- how did it go?~"Venti asked.

I took his head and tried to crush it. "W-WAIT I WAS JUST CURIOUS!".

"Well, we encountered a child then we fought some hilichurls and then I found out that I cant use a bow"I smiled.

"I-I see..."He started to try and escape from my headlock but I was stronger- well he didn't want to hurt me cause I knew in a flick of a finger he could send me flying.

Me and Venti entered the favonious headquarters and sent Lumine and Kaeya off and was about to leave when the door slammed open.


Me and Venti turned to him. "The lyre? What about it?".

"I-Its been stolen!".

Venti smiled"I guess Lumine did it"He smiled.


Venti smiled at me"Yep!".

"Its not illegal to kill someone if its for self defense-"

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