Chapter 17

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Anesthesia isn't going to share memories but she's here to say something!

"So you might be wondering, where is the blond woman that appeared before?!". "You'll see her in a few moments :)), I don't have any pictures of her but she's really hot 😔✨"


The smell of blood filled their noses the moment they arrived. The foul stench of death was eminent. Zhongli held his breath while Diluc and Venti were trying to not throw up.

"Venti, can't you purify the air around us?" Zhongli asked the weak archon by his side.

"I need to concentrate but the smell is hard to overcome—". Then he had enough and threw up.

Diluc was walking ahead of them, he himself was about to throw up but he held it in. The amount of dead carcasses and human bones were on the vicinity was baffling. Bones were in a corner, an animal carcass that was just decaying appeared with evey turn they made.

Zhongli summoned his shield in an attempt to push the stench and miasma that had just showed up but he inevitably failed.

"Let's just try to not throw up" Venti suggested, it would be hard but not impossible.

After a few twists and turns, the three saw a large prison cell. Now the stench of a rotting corpse filled their senses. As if everything was falling apart, Diluc rushed towards the cage the moment he saw a glimpse of h/c.

He gripped onto the cell bars tightly, Anesthesia had told him that Y/n wasn't going to die... But was that a lie?. There she was, her body was preserved quite beautifully and her skin still had the same soft appearance on them.

There on her feet was a rather old body, most probably a body from 7000 years ago. As with Y/n, the body had a gaping wound on their chest. The body was curled into a ball but their features were still present.

Diluc recognized the corpse, and so did the other 2 men beside him. Zhongli was shaking in rage while Venti threw up even more the moment he saw his old friend's corpse on the seal.

Footsteps echoed from the left and they quietly hid from the person who was arriving.

There she was, the woman with long black hair and blue eyes, her long black gown was dragging along her feet as she opened the cell.

Diluc and Venti was stared at the woman still unable to discern who she was. Zhongli on the other hand froze up.

"How could she be here?" He asked, Venti and Diluc whipped their heads towards Zhongli. "You know who she is?" Venti narrowed his eyes.

"Her name is Lilith... You knew her well Venti, but it seems like you do not remember her at all" Zhongli sighed, "She used to be the Archon of Peace, she was Anesthesia's greatest friend and most trusted ally...".

"Was?" Diluc chimed into the conversation.

"Lilith... Killed Anesthesia"

Venti gasped but was shushed by Zhongli placing his hand over Venti's mouth. "Why would she do that to her friend?" Diluc couldn't believe this Lilith woman, how could she harm such a sweet person?.

"Lilith used to be kind and forgiving, you could say Anesthesia was like a teasing older sister to her... She had always admired Anesthesia whenever they are together". Zhongli laughed at the memory, "Ah... How that memory seems like it happened yesterday, although it was long ago".

"What made her kill Anesthesia?" Venti asked in a very menacing tone. He didn't remember who Lilith was at all, but he knew for certain that he could never forgive such a monster.

Zhongli only shook his head as he himself did not know the reason.

Lilith started to laugh brightly as she hugged Y/n's body.

"Dear Anesthesia!, How long have a hoped for a day to be with you!" Lilith exclaimed before carefully making her way towards Anesthesia's ancient remains.

"We will be together again... My friend..." Lilith held onto the corpse tightly as light shined from them. She started to chant in an unfamiliar language and wind raged around her creating a tornado that acted as a shield.

Venti brought the wind around them to a halt and Zhongli kept his shield up to protect them from any debri that happened to come at them.

Diluc was holding onto his claymore.

Everything flashed white and the three of them felt weak and vulnerable.

The corpse in Lilith's hands crumbled into dust and became one with the wind.

"Ahh, Anesthesia...."

Venti just stared at Lilith in disgust. Does she have a crush on Anesthesia or something?. Lilith stood up and stared at the body behind her.

The winds started to swiftly attack Y/n's body. As more and more matter enter her body, the pressure started to rise forcing everyone to kneel including Lilith.

Although she was able to look up with a beaming smile. "Come now dear friend! Let us destroy the foolish humans who dared to kill you!".

Everything stopped.

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