Chapter 5.1

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"W-Wait we're still in the holy lyre quest?". "Yep!".

"But how the fuck did Lumine steal it she was right here-".

Kaeya bursts out of a room and ran to us with a wooden log. "LUMINE TURNED INTO WOOD!".

"Does that magic even exist?"Venti laughed. "I may or may not have asked Paimon to slip in some hallucinating pills in his drink...".

"But how did we think-".

I remembered the drinks Venti gave us before leaving. (Author left it out lol)

This fuker-.

"Venti~ What are we supposed to do?"Venti shuddered.

Usually he would be oblivious on my tone and just be happy I called him by his name but he soon realized that when I say his name he's fucked.

"We're supposed to meet her at the tavern...". "Bring us there".


I never knew Venti's teleporting ability would be quite useful. "Look its Ven- AHH ITS Y/N!"Paimon screamed.

I pulled out an arrow and pointed it at Paimon's neck. "Venti fetch me an apple"I threatened, Paimon screamed.

Lumine ran towards Venti with a worried look. "The holy lyre was stolen..."She mumbled.

The door opened and we saw some knights. Venti took us by our wrists and teleported us up.

The knights looked around. Wasn't Diluc supposed to save us?.

"Venti, do you know where Diluc is?".

"I think he went outside right after we entered". I bit my lip. "Can you like send a sign to him?".

"I can but I would have to know his exact location...". I didn't have any power over the knights, so did Venti and Lumine was the one who was wanted.

Shit what do I do?.

"Found him!"Paimon screamed while floating in from the open window. "Huh?".

"Where is he?!"I whispered. Paimon then told Venti his exact location. The knights were starting to head upstairs. I swear if Diluc isn't here in 1 minute I will murder him-.

As if on cue- maybe he's just scared to die -Diluc entered the tavern. He seemed tired but he regained himself and looked at the knights with a stern look.

"May I ask what it is you are doing in my tavern?"He asked sternly. Hot-.

The knights turned to Diluc and saluted to him. "Have you seen a blonde enter your tavern master Diluc?".

Diluc raised a brow and crossed his arms. "I have not, why?".

"Oh, we are sorry for the intrusion sir!"They said before leaving. How dumb are these knights-.

"Y/n I know you're thinking shit about the knights but we should be greatful they're so dumb"Venti said with a blank face. I turned to him with the same face and nodded in agreement.

"I can see why you two are still friends..."Paimon mumbled hiding behind Lumine.

Diluc went upstairs and stood next to Venti. I tried to not laugh as I realized how tiny the anemo archon was.

Venti glared at me while being flustered.

"Let's meet here again tonight".

The prologue story isn't going the way I know of...

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