Chapter 22

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"COME ON! DO YOU WORST!" She threatened them while continuously smacking them away. She kept laughing continuously.

"This is a onesided fight isn't it?" Coughed Childe from across the battlefield. "How in the world do we defeat this woman?!" Paimon exclaimed throwing rocks at the herrscher which didn't even reach her.

Lumine held up Klee who was holding a bunch of bombs. "KLEE?!" Paimon screamed in shock.

Klee stood on Albedo's elevator and threw bombs at the herrscher. The herrscher turned to Klee disgusted, she stared at the bomb headed towards her.

"You expect a bomb to hurt me?-" She flinched as she realized she made a huge mistake. Klee's bomb had another bomb behind it. The herrscher blocked the first bomb and tried to dodge the second.

She failed and was hit, a large cloud covered her vision which stopped her from moving.

"Now!" Zhongli exclaimed as he summons a pillar and it pierces her stomach. The herrscher was taken aback by what happened and frantically looked for an escape. Ganyu raised her bow and launched it piercing the herrschers shoulder.

Scaramouche electrified her which caused super-conduct. She hissed from it but for the most part seemed unaffected.

As the others started to follow suit and attacked her, she broke the geo construct holding her and she raised her arms up.

"I WONT STOP UNTIL I KILL ALL OF YOU!" The sky became red, the white beings or honkai as the herrscher liked to call it, began to surround them.

Miasma thickened around their knees making it hard but not impossible to move. She pulled out the arrow from her shoulder and she started to heal.

Xiao clicked his tongue and jumped up high. Zhongli flinched "Xiao no!".

Xiao was too late as the herrscher manifested a spear and she plunged it deep into Xiao's stomach nearly missing his vital organs.

He coughed up blood while looking up in fear at the blood crazy herrscher. Her face was covered with blood and her purple eyes were shaking violently. The large smile on her lips made her look more disturbing.

She kicked Xiao off her spear as he had difficulty standing up from the impact of the fall.

Qiqi made her way to Xiao and started to heal him. Yoimiya raised her bow as her golden locks blew from the wind. She shot her arrow and the herrscher just dodged.

She started to laugh insanely while holding her left eye. "Beg me for mercy! Come on scream and shout!" She raised her spear which turned to a sword.

Zhongli summoned his spear and points it at the herrscher. "Why don't you show us an example?" He lunged towards the herrscher.

"Ahhh~~ Is this what gods are like here? SUCH WEAKLINGS!" She struck down towards Zhongli.


The darkness was unbearable. Mostly the silence though. "Haven't we been walking forever now?" Sukuna asked while shivering.

"How are you not cold?!" He exclaimed. I eyed him from top to bottom. He had a thin white shirt on with pants of course and he left his jacket.

I turned to my clothing and it was a thin blue shirt and shorts. Although I did have a jacket. "Suffer" I smirked at him.

He raised his finger and glared at me, "Fuck you".

I just laughed at him before taking one mroe step.

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