Chapter 14

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I woke up to see a blinding light. Turning my head to the left I see my brother?... He was sleeping and to the right there was an IV... I had an oxygen mask on and I felt weak.

I was at Teyvat right?. Recalling the incidents I tried to piece together everything.

So I was in a coma huh?, Was it all a dream?. I sigh before closing my eyes.

I suddenly felt a bit warmer and I couldn't feel the softness of the bed. Opening my eyes, I saw the usual ceiling I was now used to.

"Y/n!!!!"Venti stormed into my room like a hyperactive sibling before jumping onto my stomach making me gasp in pain.

I soon see Kaeya pass by the door while brushing his teeth. He stopped to smirk at us before leaving.



"Uhhhhh"I groaned loudly. "What's wrong?"Venti raised a brow while swinging his legs. "Diluc has been avoiding me".

Venti stared at the sky before smirking"You two really should just talk to each other!, You're both like a married couple!".

I turned to the bastard and kicked his back making him exclaim. "Oh fuck off". Venti chuckled awkwardly before jumping off his seat.

The mood turned serious as he looked around nervously. Venti turned to me with a serious expression. "Venti, Do you have any  clues on who the woman might be?"I asked seriously. Venti looked to the ground. "I seriously have no clue, but what I do know is that she might be even more dangerous than the tsarista".

I glared at the green gremlin before sighing"Duh? of course they are dumbass!".

"Do you mind if I join your conversation?". Both me and Venti turned to the person before being met with cold blue eyes. "No need to be that cautious!, it's not like i'm killing you yet!".

What was with that YET?. Wait a minute.. hey isn't this Scaramouche?. "My name is Scaramouche"He smirked.

"Sorry if I scared you, although your reaction was boring"Scaramouche shrugged. Ah yes, if I ever died my last words would be I was surrounded by hot men and was burned alive by their scorching hot beauty.

"I swear, If only you didn't kill everyone on sight I would've simped harder for you"I said wiping a fake tear from my eye. Venti just stared at me with a blank expression while Scaramouche was confused af.

"So what were you two talking about?"Scaramouche asked. I turned to him before smiling at Venti. "Do you have any information about a woman who could manipulate how they look?"Venti asked. Scaramouche's face dropped"How did you get a hold of that information?".

--- Writing style may change a bit from here on out---

"From experience" Venti looked upset but he hid it well. He didn't want to admit but after a long time of not experiencing fear, the encounter with the mysterious woman made him realize he still has a bit of humanity left.

Scaramouche only nodded to Venti's statement "What did she do?" Scaramouche asked in a curious tone. I turned to Venti with a concerned gaze, I knew he didn't like what happened. But he kept a straight face and looked at Scaramouche bravely. Well it was a bit dramatic as it was not like he was fighting or anything. The short thought made me giggle a bit.

"In my eyes she was a normal woman, but she had fooled Diluc to do her bidding" Venti explained. "If what I'm thinking is right, then she plans to the whole of teyvat".

Both me and Scaramouche looked at Venti in bewilderment it wasn't like what he said was unbelievable, it was because of how certain he was. "Hey, don't say stuff like that!, it's not like she told you her plans-".

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