Chapter 6

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As much as I fucking hated this bard, I had to admit he was useful at times.

Right now the bard I am talking about is making fun of Paimon as he unlocked the lair.

Ah yes, dont you just want to kill this piece of shit—.

It seemed Jean and Diluc noticed my annoyance since Jean backed away and Diluc tapped my shoulder while mouthing "Calm down".


Annndddd we finally fuking finished the fucking puzzle cause Paimon kept messing up—.

The five of us(Not including the emergency food)stepped onto the weird ass hologram(dunno wtf its called).

"Time to confront the terror". Lumine gulped while Diluc and Jean prepared their weapons. I on the other hand was the same with Venti. We didnt know what tf to do.

Venti smiled and showed me his bow"I can help".

This bitch—.

We entered the domain and we were sent to this circular platform. Lumine was fighting with Dvalin above.

"Go Lumineeee!"I screamed.

After defeating Dvalin(Yes the author is lazy af so she wont include this son of a bitch in the story) the platforms started to break.

"FUCKKKKKK—"I screamed. Diluc held me in his arms— WAIT WTF THE DILUC IS HOLDING ME IN HIS ARMS—. I can die happily now.

I then felt Dvalin catch us.

Dramatic anime tears appeared from my face. Damnit Dvalin, I love you and all but please let me and Diluc have a moment—.

Diluc lets me go.

"I guess we finished... At last"I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Everyone laughed while Diluc just smiled.


The winds were silent but peaceful and the sky was a light shade of blue showing the yellow sun. A large dragon flies over the small city.

Mondstadt was at peace once again.

Its archon still absent.


I laughed with Lumine as we walked towards the cathedral where we were supposed to meet Jean and Venti.


Barbara was as usual screaming about how Barbatos wont ever forgive her for letting a STRANGER take the holy lyre of hymmel that was owned by BARBATOS.

Who is also the person standing infront of her.

Venti sighed and turned to Lumine"Give me the lyre"He said before repairing it.

I snickered remembering the effects were only temporary.

Venti told them this and ran out. I laughed a bit.

"OH SHIT!"I screamed while realizing something. Me and Lumine ran to outside.

"Protect Venti"I told her. She nodded. Even in real life she's not talkative :').

I turned and saw the Fatui. I kicked their faces.

"Fuck you!"The two of them screamed as they lunged at me.

"Fuck you too bitch"I said as Venti goes infront of me and charged his bow.

"Why did you save me?". "Come on, ever since I played through this scene, I always wanted to save your dumb ass"I sighed.

"And Im also trying to stop the fatui from stealing every archon's gnosis"I said.

Venti laughed. I heard a snap.

I turned around, Venti was in front of me with his hand out to protect us. Lumine was pinned down by two Fatui agents.


Signora walked over to Venti as he realized his feet were frozen. "So this is Mondstadts rodent ruler in the flesh?"Signora asked as she looked at Venti's face.

"Scurrying through the streets looking for left overs...". "Mondstadt, calls this a god?".

I loved Signora but dont fucking insult my friend.

"Resident rodent, beats invasive vermin—"He said, Signora slapped him in return. "Venti!"I called.

"Dont you dare speak back to me you insolent bard"She growled.

Venti started to create a small tornado in an attempt to destroy the ice on his feet.

Signora backed away before smirking. I started to try and destroy the ice on me aswell.

"Look at you... Absentee archon of mondstadt"She smirked. "How impotent you've become".

"That smirk you wear looks out of place..."Venti smirked. "Did you steal it from your master's face?~". She snapped and pushed Venti backwards destroying both of the ice on our legs.

I ran towards Venti and pushed Signora away before she could attack him.

"And who are you?"She asked angrily. I panted"Oh just a random passer-by who is friends with the so called rodent ruler"I growled.

"Tch, get her out of my face"She ordered. Venti summoned his bow and started shooting the Fatui who were trying to get near me.

"Get the fuck away from us got that?"I smirked. Signora laughed"Do you think a child such as you could stop me?"She said.

"Underestimate me all you want, cause you're right, but never think that a child like me cant make your life a living hell".

Signora growled at me and did what she was supposed to do to Venti to me. I coughed and fell on the ground.

I could hear people gasp. I turned and saw Signora holding something.

I couldn't make it out but I could tell she was delighted and surprised. "Oh my, you had a gnosis?"She laughed.

She held it above her"So this is a gnosis... Wouldnt be caught dead wearing this ugly thing in public".

I laughed"Beauty is a waste, when the beholder has no taste~"I smirked. Signora growled and tried to kick me but I dodged.

I tackled the huge woman and hit her face"You know it's bad manners to steal something that isn't yours~"I punched her  gut and took the gnosis out of her hand.

I could feel my vision slowly fading. Signora stands up holding her stomach. She growled lightly.

"Over there!"We heard.

Signora looked towards the sound and scoffed"We will come back next time"She said before walking away.

Venti ran to me and Lumine stood in front of us.

"Thank, goodness you're both... Okay...—".


(Wtf did I just write, it looks confusing, tell me if it is and I could unpublish this and rewrite it :D)

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