Chapter 23

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"And how are you supposed to do that?" She smirked at me. I began go reach into my pockets making her go into her battle ready form.

I pulled it out dramatically go reveal uh... Money? Lets roll with it. "Bribing!" I screamed. Sukuna held in his laughter and as to the Herrscher? Lets just say she wasn't amused at all.

"This hurts my brain" She mumbled rubbing her temples. I stashed the money back in my pocket cause it seemed like she didn't want it.

The next thing I pulled out was my gnosis. "What are you supposed to do with that?" She raised a brow curiously.

"Sukuna, did Anesthesia say anything about how I'll get her powers" I turned to him.

He was mumbling about how great the herrschers figure was, mostly her ass and thighs. A vein popped from my head as I bonked the horny boy.

"OI!" I screamed making him turn to me. "She didn't say anything about it other than if she dies" He raised his hands up defensively.

"So until she dies, I wont be able to kill the herrscher" I began to look for a dagger and I picked it up.

I stared at it for a minute before looking up in the sky. "Guess we'll have to stay alive for now".


I began to run around the herrscher to take Mona's catalyst which was on the ground. It was nearly broken but it was the most intact out of the other ones.

The herrscher lunged at me and kicked me to the ground. "Y/n!" Sukuna screwmed before blocking the herrschers attack.

He gripped her arm and turned towards me. "Get the book right now!" I began to stand up and I ran to the book.

"I got it!" I waved the book in the sky. The herrscher has successfully freed herself from Sukuna's grasp and she flew up higher. "I'll have to admit, I might lose a 2-1 battle with you two... But you can't win agains 5000-2" She smirks before letting the honkai beasts attack us.

Me and Sukuna dodged and I turned to the enemies surrounding us. I scanned my surroundings and smirked.

"Freeze bitches" I laughed, I then tapped my foot on the ground and ice appeared from my foot. The ice hits the honkai and if freezes them over in this large iceberg like shape.

"What are you, Todoroki?" Sukuna laughs. "Well, I am hot and cold" He gagged at my reply but I just laugh at him.

The herrscher's foot tapped the top of the iceberg and she smirked down at us. "You arrogant children... Come now and just accept my blessing, I promise to give you a quick and painless death~" She suggested.

I raised my middle finger at her. "That would be desirable but I still dont have a love life, and dear I am not dying without trying it" I raised my hand and the ice that the herrscher's foot was touching began to entrap her.

She clicked her tongue and sliced through it with her sword.

The honkai starts to attack us and she stood on the ground. While we were busy fighting them, out of the corner of my eye I saw the herrscher make her way towards the unconscious bodies.

"Hey!" I screamed and was punched to the ground by the Honkai I was fighting.

She chuckled lightly before miasma starts to flow from her sleeves into the bodies around her.

"How long will you keep your sanity?"

Sukuna had defeated the honkai beast fighting him but now he was surrounded by people he either didn't know or he knew from playing the game.

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