Chapter 10

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Mona screamed, ran to the wall and cried"How am I supposed to pay for this?!"She screamed. Everyone's surprised faces turned into disappointment. "W-What?".

"Y/n, how are you going to pay for that?"Venti asked while pointing at the wall I just created a hole in. "HUH?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IM BROKE!".

Diluc sighed as Kaeya kept nudging him. "Alright, Alright I'll pay for it, just go somewhere else... So you people wont destroy any more properties"He said.

All of us nodded and went somewhere else. Mona was still there crying cause she didn't hear Diluc say he'll be paying for it.


Cut to somewhere in teyvat!!!


"Burst forth!"I screamed and a large wave of ice enveloped 2 hilichurls. I smirked"I am so ready to whoop Signora's ass".

Everyone just clapped heartlessly.

"This must be their own way of cheering you on Y/n!"I mumbled while trying to not freeze them all.

"Go Y/n go!"Lumine said emotionlessly.

"Hold it in—".


I sighed deeply and sat on the ground. Everything is happening so fast(Cause the author doesn't know how to manage everything—).

It felt as if Venti just threw me into this world yesterday.

Now that I think about it, I should probably thank him for letting me experience such an adventure. After all... If he didn't, I would've been stuck in that boring life of mine.

I laughed at thought and hugged my knees. The night was cold and the surroundings were quiet.

Except for a few slimes jumping around. I touched the my chest. Anesthesia...

Although I still can't get over the fact they named her after anesthesia.

"Y/n?"I turned and saw a pair of red eyes. I smiled gently at the man.

"What are you doing out here?"I asked him. Diluc sat next to me "I could say the same to you".

I laughed and turned to Diluc. "I wonder what will happen now"I asked. "Is there anything on your mind?". Fumbling with my book I turned to the sky and frowned.

"I mean... We just found out I might be a  archon or something... How the hell do we not think something might happen?"I laughed. Diluc placed his chin on his hand and turned to me.

"Then... How about I ask you, what do you think will happen?". I turned to Diluc and smiled.

This smile however hid pain... And hesitance. "I..."I couldn't speak... . There was nothing I could ever say. It wasn't like I knew what would happen anymore.

We sat there for a moment. I was already tired from the training I did. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep. Diluc must've noticed it too when he stood up and carried me.

I gently placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. "Sleep well..."I heard him say.


"Hey Venti scooch over a little!".

"I wanna see too Paimon!"Venti glared at the floating food. Paimon was about to scream when Lumine headlocked her.

"I swear they should just get married already—"Venti mumbled.


I woke up with the sun shining on my face... Well it was a bit stuffy... I cant breathe—.

I opened my eyes and I saw Paimon clutching my chest. I couldn't breathe— JUST HOW POWERFUL IS THIS TINY PERSON.

"G-Get off me— I cant breathe...— Pai—... Mon—".

Paimon was sleeping. SHE'S ASLEEP?!. I managed to get a hold of my catalyst and froze her. I then proceeded to ✨throw✨her at a plate I had left on the table.

I finally breathed. Lumine entered the room and turned to Paimon. I sighed"Yes, I threw her... BUT SHE WAS SUFFOCATING ME—"Lumine shushed me with a small smile and a thumbs up.

I was confused and then she picked up Paimon. "Oh!"She mumbled. Reaching into her pocket she handed me a hair clip.

I turned to Lumine and back to the hair clip. "Are you sure?—".

"I wanted to give you a gift before I head to Liyue". I fell to the floor clutching my heart.


Lumine crouched down and patted my back. "Here"She placed the hair clip on my hair.

"Thanks"I could feel blood drip from my mouth. She raised a brow. "D-Dont worry... My heart just can't take this adorableness".

She nods and then waved. "If you ever come to Liyue, bring some sticky honey roast"Lumine hugged me then left.

Damn I wanna come with her—.

Then I remembered. "Oh well fuck it, I don't want to get murdered by overpowered fatui agents".

I held my head feeling a headache start.

The door opened and I glared at whoever entered. It was the damn bard.

Oh... I should probably be nicer.

"Hi... Human?"Oh fuck I forgot how to talk.

"Um... Hi?"He tilted his head. "I brought some dandelion wine!".

I could hear angry stomping coming towards my room. "Venti did you steal from Diluc again?".

Venti looked around while whistling. He flinched when he heard someone crack their knuckles behind him. "Bard... Pay up".

Venti screamed and ran from Diluc.

Another normal day at the winery... I think.


Kinda rushed since I realized its been a while since I updated... Lol. Anyways im fine now for those who read the announcement from last time~, making Y/n become a tad bit nicer to Venti... Maybe. A little thanks for reading this piece of shit that is very cringey.

Sincerely, Your Extremely
Dumb Author

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