Chapter 20

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Venti felt weak but he had to protect his city. "Stay away from them!" Venti summoned the winds and it sucked up the enemies and it flung them away.

Venti looked towards the other nations and saw the Archons fighting aswell.

"What the hell are these?!" Scaramouche exclaimed as he electrified everything within a 5 meter radius of him.

Next to him was Signora.

Everyone had made a truce for now as they all do not want this world to fall into ruin.

"Why do you ask me?! Ask that vermin over there!" Signora points at Venti.

"Hey! What the fuck are these shit?!" Scaramouche jumps back as one of them tries to punch him.

The exhausted Venti turned to Scaramouche. "I dont know either! Just stop them from entering Mondstadt!".

"Don't give us orders!" Signora and Scaramouche exclaimed as they both froze and electrified the enemies.

Venti's vision became blurry and the world began to move in a circle. He fell onto the ground and hit his arm.

"Barbatos!" Jean exclaimed as the bard screamed in pain at his broken arm.

"Rest for now please!" Jean pleaded. The people of mondstadt stared at their weakened archon.

"Please my lord! Rest!" They also said.

"You've done enough!"

Venti's tears fell onto the ground as he kept crying. "I promised him..." He flies upwards and casts another spell that sent a large amount of the enemies flying away.

He held his broken arm in pain and he saw Diluc in the other side of the bridge.

He smiled widely as the enemies around them dissapeared. Although there was still fire and fighting in the other nations.

"Diluc! Where's Y/n?" Venti asked as he stood in front of Diluc.

Diluc was mumbling something Venti couldn't catch. "What were you saying?".

Venti barely dodged Diluc's claymore.

"Diluc?!" Venti exclaimed. "You killed her..." Diluc mumbled. Venti froze in place.

He backed away and tried to run but Diluc caught up with him and he punched him in the gut.

Venti coughed and fell on the ground. "D-Diluc?" He knew Diluc was enraged, he had every right to be, but Venti was scared was scared of what he would do.

Venti heard a familiar laugh. There he saw her. The herrscher. "I thought—".

She raised her hands and a few seconds later, the entities went from invisible to visible. And he saw that the whole river around mondstadt was full of them and some were already climbing the walls.

Venti felt hopeless, what else could possibly crush his spirit?.

Oh right... Her body.

The herrscher dragged Y/n's bloody body behind her. She was still breathing which made Venti feel more hopeless.

It was all his fault... If only... Of only he didn't want a friend. If only he wasn't so useless.

Yes... If only.

Venti's cries were heard inside of monstadt. "Dear brother, I didn't know you like to make people cry~".

Diluc glared at Kaeya. "This is none of your business—" Kaeya appeared in front of Diluc and he barely dodged Kaeya sword which was aimed for his neck.

"I have many questions for lord Barbatos so it would be nice if you let him live" Jean ran towards the wounded Venti and began to heal him with her sword.

"Kaeya... Get out of my way" Diluc threatened. Kaeya only laughed and his left eye showed danger.

"No can do brother~"

"Then..." Diluc raised his claymore and got ready to slash Kaeya down.



The bright light hits my eyes harshly. I looked around. I was here again, in this hospital however, my brother wasn't here with me.

However, no matter how many times I tried to sleep to get back. I was still here... Was it all a dream from the coma?.

I sighed deeply and tried to sit up. But I was too weak. My hands were cold and I held my chest. I could still remember the pain and the fear I felt.

The door opened and a bag fell on the ground. I hear running and soon my body was engulfed in a hug.

I could hear sobbing and I hugged him back. He flinched the moment I held him. As if it was all new to him. He didn't say anything, all he did was hug me but I understood that he was greatful I was up.

I gently pat his back before laughing. "Come on help me up" I said while slightly pushing him to see his fluffy pink hair.

"Get up on your own" Sukuna mumbled before taking his bag and shutting the door. I was annoyed. "I'm a sick person you dumbass! This is why you don't have a girlfriend at all!" I exclaimed. Sukuna flinched and he glared at me "Shut up you old hag! As if you have a boyfriend too!".

"Huh?!!! Who are you calling an old hag! Im still in college!" I screamed. He froze again before sighing "Here eat this". He gave me a microwaved soup.

"Hey you changed the—" He shoved a spoon unto my mouth which forced me to eat. "Eat so you'll get fat again" I glared at him.

"What year is it?" Sukuna shoved another spoonful of soup in my mouth "Eat, you need it".

"Sukuna, answer me... How long was I asleep and if you're messing with me—"

"3 years" He cuts me off looking down. I looked down.

"Huh? You're joking..."

"You were in a 3 year coma, the doctors said it would take a miracle for you to wake up..." His eyes began to water. "Don't do that again... Please..." He looked vulnerable and like a child who lost something important to him.

I held him in my arms. "Okay... I promise".

"Okay enough of the sentimental shit, where's my damn phone I want it and I need it" I said like I was some psychopath.

Sukuna laughed loudly and he gave me this fancy looking phone. "Oh right, while you were gone I became one of the richest person on Earth" He smiled as if it was normal.

"Who in the world are you?"

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