Bonus chapter

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(This was just me writing randomly out of boredom after seeing a bunch of modern au art of genshin characters~ plus a picture I saw on reddit/pinterest I think about Xiao and Aether looking at a broken spear in a museum)

P.S I posted this on another book and I was happy about how it turned out, but no one really saw it💀

Aether fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The rain drops kept falling and dripping from him to the ground.

"I'm sorry"

"Brother..." Lumine mumbled, her body was cold to the touch and Aether held her tightly. "I'm sorry..." He repeats as his eyes showed nothing but sorrow and agony.

"Brother... We can see them again right?" Lumine smiled warmly at Aether. He could only cry and hug her tightly.

The archons behind him could only stare at them in pity as they too reach their limit.

"So this is it... the age of gods have ended..."  Her golden eyes softly gazed upon the twins. "I didn't expect that humanity could actually change..." She laughed lightly.

She looked at the fallen gods beneath her. With a small chuckle, she raised her hands and chose to bestow them a power. In hopes that they would be able to guide humanity, again and again.

"Ever wonder if gods actually roamed the land before?" An excited Aether comments to which his sister replies with a shrug.

"Maybe they did, highly unlikely by the way" Said Lumine before sighing.

"But this museum says otherwise though" He smirked while pointing at a broken spear that was kept inside of a glass case.

The markings seemed ancient and it was glowing every so lightly. Aether looked around while Lumine went to get something from the nearest convenience store.

He caught a small white glow from the corner of his eye. As he turned, Aether saw a small quartz statue of two siblings. However he noticed something that shouldn't be right. Aether examined the statue more and he realized that the statue looked eeriely similar to him and his sister.

With a small grunt, he clutched his now aching head as he stared at the statue. Small events appeared in his mind.

How he was walking around an open area with this small boy who wore green and a small floating human figure.

It flashed to him fighting what seemed to be a water monster along side a bunch of different people, there was a green haired man that held the spear he saw in the museum.

The memories kept flashing in his mind with incredible speed until it slowed down for a memory of him holding his sisters body.

He fell to his knees while clutching his aching head. "Aether?!" Called out a worried Lumine.

She ran up to him before going to her knees and hugging him. Lumine checked his temperature and it was normal.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked. Aether only laughed and nodded at her, as he just thought maybe he was going insane. Lumine stood up and helped her brother up as well.

"Woah! What are the supermodels doing here?!"

The two of them turned to the commotion and saw the two male supermodels walking into the museum.

Aether studied their features, it looked so familiar to him now. It was as if he knew them completely. However, he just shrugged it off as him being familiar with their faces because they were famous.

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