Chapter 11

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Welcome to fun memories with Anesthesia✓

"Raiden"She called. The archon turned towards Anesthesia and sighed. "I thought I told you to call me my lady!"Baal glared.

Anesthesia just laughed at the electro archon"Nope! I like Raiden more! Besides, doesn't my lady like me the same?~".

Baal scooched away from the other female with a disgusted look"Ew stay away from me". Anesthesia laughed loudly and hit Baal's back repeatedly.

"Come on! Don't be like that! If you stay like that I'll get a boyfriend sooner than you". "What does that have to do with this?!"Baal screamed at Anesthesia.

"See? Your face is all wrinkly"Anesthesia teased. Baal turned to the lake next to them in fear. Anesthesia bursts out laughing when Baal noticed nothing changed.

Baal lunged at Anesthesia"HOW DISRESPECTFUL—".

... Onto the story :V

The only thing heard was the sound of electronic beeping and the steady breathing of a person.

"Hey... She'll wake up right?"The brown haired male asked panicking slightly.

"We are unsure but we are trying everything we can".

The male turned to the girl on the bed and held her hand tightly.

The girl's hand was cold as ice and her complexion was white. She was breathing fine but who knows how long she will last.

"You better wake up..."He mumbled to himself before hiding his eyes with her hand. "You idiot of a sister".


I looked at the empty tavern with quite a few concerns.

First off there were 4 letters on the table.

First one was Venti which said he was going to visit an old friend of his in who knows where. Second one was Kaeya and it said he had a shit ton to do at work... Just how long was he absent—.

Third one was Mona. YES FUCK YES—. Ahem, It read that we wont be doing training todat cause she had to do something.

And lastly was Diluc's.... I paced around nervously. What did it say?, Oh no what if it's a confession— you're way over your head Y/n. I smiled and just thought he was away on a business trip.

I opened the letter...

This may or may not be the right time...

My eyes went wide open as my head filled up with a thousand different scenarios where we would kiss and meet and have babies—.

But it would be best for you to cut off all your ties to me starting now. Im sorry.

I have to what?.



That morning my mind instantly was filled with dread and sadness... What did I do wrong? We were having fun yesterday... What changed?.

My tears wouldn't stop falling. My heart ached. The door bursts open to reveal a cheerful Venti as he was holding two bottles of wine.

"Hey Venti... Is this what it's like to be heart broken?"I cried and hugged his legs.

He tried to shake me off"H-HEY DONT SUDDENLY HUG MY LEGS—"He stopped midway when he saw me crying genuinely.

"Did you miss us?"He asked with a confused stare. He walked towards the table with me still latched onto his cape wih choked him but he managed to survive.

He opened the letter and I could suddenly feel the winds violently swirl around us.

"That child dare to hurt my dear friend? Just who does he think he is—"Venti growled angrily as the winds got even more violent. "H-Hey Venti calm down... Maybe there's an explanation?".

He turned to me before sitting down with an annoyed face. He pats my head and starts to act like the older person.

"Why are you even crying over him anyway? Its not like you two are that close...."He mumbled angrily. "I don't know... Maybe I was just taken back? I never expected him to suddenly say that".

"He probably had his reasons... And I'm finding out"Venti smirked before helping me onto a chair. "Sit tight my friend!"He smiles before disappearing into thin air.

"Wait you—". He was already gone though.

"Dont have to...".

(venti pov next chapter... Now making this shit dramatic and not that comedic anymore... Okay maybe I lied a bit on the comedy one)
(yall better read the new 3/19/2021 announcement... Some of yall might enjoy that information ;).)

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