Chapter 15

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Dear travelers ✧\(>o<)ノ✧
Sorry for the wait, please enjoy his chapter!! Btw join my discord link in bio or this def not pressuring you or anything.


Dilcu sat there trying to remember what the fuck happened to him. It wasn't as if he didn't fully know what he was doing, he was just confused and entranced.

And so he began to think how he got fooled in the first place.

He was just walking around town when he saw a suspicious woman. Her back was facing him so he could only see her long black hair.

Diluc then decided to follow her. The woman walked around the city before stopping at a random alley. Diluc came out from the corner as he knew he had been found.

"Who are you?" He asked the woman. She sighed before turning around. Before she fully turned around Diluc was entranced by the sweet smell she was emitting.

The woman turned fully, her h/c hair was resting on her shoulders and her e/c shined in the darkness. The aura she was giving was warm and yet her eyes say otherwise.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me already" Her voice sounded sweet and she smiled warmly at him. "I mistook you as someone else... Sorry" Diluc said scratching the back of his neck.

She laughed lightly before walking up to him. Diluc backed away a step as the woman looked up at him.

"Diluc... I like you"

He stood still. What did she just say? Did Y/n really just tell him that?. No wait... She was too damn crazy to say that out loud, Y/n would've probably only say that either before her death or by Venti.

Diluc saw the woman's silhouette change as her eyes flickered from e/c to a deadly shade of blue.

"You're not—" His vision became blurry and his thoughts were all over the place. He couldn't think straight at all. What in the world was the woman doing to him?.

"Ahhh, I didn't want to use this method at all... It's kind of your fault though"

Diluc fell to the ground while holding his head in pain. The woman crouched down as her figure went back to the black gown wearing person.

She poked his side and he could only glare at her. "It's time for your beauty sleep prince".


Dilcu groaned in annoyance as he couldn't remember what happened right after. Venti bursts through the door beside him, making the poor winery owner flinch and slightly jump away from the bard.

"Diluc!!!!" Venti screamed jumping onto him. Rather than kicking or dodging him, he caught him as he still felt guilty about almost hurting the bard.

"Got any wine?" Venti smiled brightly.

Ah, that popped a vein.

Diluc was holding himself back from throwing the bard out of the window. "Also, you really shouldn't be having Y/n over for the night! You two shouldn't be making babies yet!!!" Venti pouts angrily at Diluc.

The winery owner only looked at Venti with a confused look. "Wait... Y/n isn't with you?..." Venti was still smiling but he was sweating.

The two stayed in silence before abruptly standing up and running towards the knights of favonius.


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