Chapter 1

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I moved around and saw a familiar brick bridge. I smiled brightly before running into Monstadt.

I went towards the fountain and looked into the water seeing a bunch of coins.

"Hi there!". I flinched and turned around to see a green gremlin.

"G-Green Gremlin?"Venti mumbled. Oh shit I must've said it out loud. Crap change the subject-

"So uh... Do you know how I ended up here?"I asked hoping what I was thinking-

"Oh about that I was the one who brought you here".

My mind went blank. "Huh?".

"Ehhe"He smiled.

"EHHE TE NANDAYO!"I screamed shaking his shoulders. (hey when I wrote this Ehhe te nandayo was still relevant (´;ω;`)p.s this is a joke)


"So your telling me...".

"That you brought me here...".

"Cause you were lonely?".

He nodded furiously. I stood up and started muttering about where I could hide his body which made him flinch and tremble.

"Just kidding, anyways, what are we supposed to do?". "Dunno-"I took a rock and casually made it sharper.



"I want to introduce you to everyone"He said with a small tear in his eye. I turned and saw Lumine. She waved.

"Ah!"I noticed Paimon floating around Lumine. This made me jump on both of them. "Hi!".

"Why are you so kind to them-".

"Cause they're not a green gremlin like you".

I rubbed my face against Lumine's.

She looked a bit uncomfortable at first but then gave in and rubbed her cheek on mine aswell.

"My name is Lumine".

"I'm Y/n".

"And I'm-"Paimon was cut off by Lumine with a blank face.

"Emergency food".

"Thats not right!!"She stomped around.

I giggled. Venti started to pout. "I brought you here!!"He said. "Green gremlin".

He teared up.


"We should get something to drink"I sighed scratching my throat. "Let's go to the tavern".

I followed Venti as we made our way to the tavern. Venti bursts open the door and there I saw him in all is glory.

Holy shit, this man is hotter in real life.

Venti sat down. Immediately Diluc pulled the booze away from Venti. "I think you've had your fill".

His voice, I'm gonna melt!.

Lumine and Paimon noticed my fidgeting making them give me a rather smug look.

"Who is this?"Venti smiled at Diluc. "My new friend!".

Diluc sighed"I suggest you distance yourself from this bard"He sighed.

I chuckled. "I was about to do that".

Venti flinched"Nooo!!!".

Oh shit he smelled like booze. As Venti was trying to cling to me I would always outstretch my arm to keep him away.

"Hi my name is Y/n!"I smiled. "Diluc".

"Y/n you can't leave me! You can't survive out there, you dont have a vision!"Venti said. Oh right... Shit.

Diluc and Lumine looked at me surprised, I love this green gremlin but I just want to kill him right now.


"Mister! Do you have a free room?"Venti asked with his arm slung around my shoulder.

"Why should I do that?".

"Won't you do that for the bard?"Venti asked. And well shit, he looked really hot right now but Venti you're drunk, go to bed.

I took Venti and pulled him out of the tavern with me"Diluc! Lumine will pay!".

Lumine turned to me with a surprised face. But then realized that me and Venti, in terms of money, we had no money.

"Thanks!"I waved. Paimon and Lumine sighed but wait with a smile.

"Venti, please tell me you at least have a place to stay...".

Venti turned to me with a wide smile. "AHHHAAHAHHAHAHA". That's the booze talking.

I sighed and went fo Windrise. Thank goodness I memorized the map.

I threw Venti into the water. He panicked and flapped his arms around. I sighed"Get that booze out of your system".

I sat on the ground and stared at the sky. I let out a long sigh and plopped myself on the grass. Venti came out of the water. "W-Why did you do that?"He said panting.

"You were drunk".

"Are you trying to kill an archon?!".


Venti teared up.

"Why do you always bully me!!!!!".

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