Chapter 25

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Honkai impact soundtracks hits good on the part where Anesthesia appeared. :3 oh right, I wont be merciful here and might kill a few characters. Final chapter btw.

Edit: to those who thought it was only mona, keq and ning. No add in xiao and a few characters I didnt name like Chong and Xingqui, plus half of teyvats population as collateral damage.

"Which one are you"

I didn't reply, well I didn't really have a reason to. I banged my fist on the wall and from that wall ice shard pierced her shoulder. I smirked at her.

She kicked my stomach and I threw up. "Don't get too cocky" She said before stomping on my head.

"Im so scared~" I taunted. The herrscher didn't say a thing.

Her eyes said everything to me, it reflected what seemed to me was anger and annoyance. It seems like her patience has run dry.

"Killing you will be rather enjoyable" She growled and took me by the hair, she made me face the black mass behind her.

In a second I realized that was where Sukuna was. Fear and despair overwhelmed my whole body while I watch the scene unfolding in front of me.

Tears flowed from my eyes and I tried to break free. The HoC flew up and I saw her outstretch her arm from the corner of my eye.

I kept trying to free myself but her grip was too strong. She bends down to whisper in my ear.

"Watch me"

My voice didn't come out. All I could see was the miasma condensing into multiple sharp needly like shape. I swung my arm to the herrscher but there was this invisible wall.

She flicked her wrist and everything collapsed onto the black mass.

At that very moment I felt empty. Why did this all happen?. The only thing I could hear was Sukuna's painful scream and the violent winds swirling around us.

If only I didn't have a gnosis, I wonder what could've happened if I just hadn't fucking come back.

I could hear something shatter and I opened my eyes to see Anesthesia.

Everything was turned into a mirror like world. However everthing was shattered.

"Why is this happening?" I asked. Anesthesia didn't answer me.

"Anesthesia answer me!"

"Would you like to save them" I looked up at her. She wasn't like the Anesthesia I knew.

She wasn't this soft carefree sister figure anymore. Her voice was almost like that of a herrscher and her presence even rivalled the HoC.

I curled the ends of my lips to force a smile "Of course I want to save them".

She touched my cheek and her hand gripled the HoC's wrist and she broke it.

"Y/n" Anesthesia said. Her pupils morphed into markings of a star and lines.

"Change this cruel world" She said while a scythe appeared from the air and I cut my hair with it, now my hair was barely reaching my shoulders.

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