15. Who?

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"Luna! You look incredible!" I grabbed the lovely blonde's hands and grinned at her fabulous dress. Royal blue was indeed her color. "You're too sweet, Em. But just look at you!" She whirled me around. I giggled and recouped my balance before she spoke again. "Ethereal. That gown suits you so beautifully."

I glimpsed down, grinning hard. "Hey, have you seen Hermione?" I took a step back, realizing I hadn't seen her today. "Oh, she was getting ready in her dorm. Wanna go visit?"

"Of course, let me just grab my shoes. You ready to head out?" I walked over to my closet. "Ready if you are!" She bent over, plopping on her crystal heels.

We touched up our last-minute makeup details and walked out to the Gryffindor Common Room. As we wandered over there, we bumped into the one and only Hermione. "Hey! We were just heading out to look for you. You look terrific!" I squeal.

"I was just coming to look for you guys! Wow, these robes do you guys justice. We all look amazing." She laughed. Her dresses' various hues of pink accentuated her brilliant freckles.

"Well, we do clean up nicely. Let's get prepared to have the night we deserve. Speaking of, who did you guys end up asking to the Ball? I know that Hermione is going with Harry. How about you, L?" I swiveled to face Luna.

"I'm going with Neville! He invited me this past week, and it must have slipped my mind into telling you guys. But the most crucial question is: Who are you going with, Em?"

"Every guy here was nearly dying to make you theirs as soon as you stepped foot into Hogwarts." Hermione brightened up with a smile.

"Oh, surely, that's not true. You're too generous. As for my date, well, he's... unknown." I direct my gaze to the ground.

"Unknown?" They both inquired.

"Well, I may or may not have been persuaded by Malfoy's request." I trailed off.

"Malfoy?" Luna bit her cheek.

"Draco?" Hermione rocked on her feet simultaneously.

"He recommended we picked out each other's dates for the Yule Ball. To prove, we know each other's interests."

"So you don't know who your date is?" Luna perked up.

"Not until tonight." I shrugged.

"Wait a second, if it was a mutual proposal, then, who did you set Draco up with?" Hermione lifted her eyebrows, a sneaky smile emerging on her lips.

"There's only one way to find out." I yanked both of their arms, and we made our way to the Ball.

Our jaws altogether dropped as soon as we arrived at the Great Hall. Everything was stunningly assembled. Three substantial white Christmas tree, the snow falling as if each snowflake was waiting for its appointed turn, the perfect cold iced statues. Everything was so enchanted.

I sighed, seeing Hermione and Luna get escorted by Harry and Neville. They kept asking if they wanted me to stay with them until I spotted Draco, but I told them to go on with their dates.

Sooner or later, I would confront that platinum smartass who held my date for the entire evening. Well, really, I'm hoping sooner rather than later.

"Look who finally acquired the fine proficiency of being patient

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"Look who finally acquired the fine proficiency of being patient."

That voice. That damn voice.

I flip and feel his eyes scan my body. He was wearing a fabulous white suit and a black jacket, which complemented his remarkable platinum hair. His tongue runs over his lips, and I can feel the warmth getting to my cheeks. I begin fidgeting with my golden ring before he ultimately breaks the uneasy silence between us.

"You look- I mean," He ran his hand through his neck and adjusted his black tie. "Buying that dress was presumably the only nice decision you've made in your life."

"Yeah, and how about befriending you?" I put my hand on my waist, cocking my head to the side.

"That was your most disastrous decision." The small corners at his mouth tugged.

I cracked a smile. "Your suit isn't so bad after all, too. Now, where's my prince uncharming?"

"Are we commencing the night with negativity once again, Miss Hart?"

"Well, if Draco Malfoy selected my date, I cannot anticipate a decent one, now can I?"

"You really need to have a bit of confidence. Show me your date."

"Show me mine first." I took a step closer over to him.

"I relish it when you're self-assertive." He took one himself.

"Stop playing games. Who is my date?" I put my hand up.

"Darling, you've been speaking to him this entire time."

Happy New Year's eve!!!! I'm eternally grateful for all the people who've stuck to reading my story! Thank you so much. We're just getting started.

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