2. Heirs

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Author's Note: The first chapter was just some sort of prologue into the story, making sense later. In the meantime, here's the story, and enjoy!


Wizarding wasn't new to me, but Hogwarts was about to be.

"Gosh, I hope I'm making the right decision." My mother hurried to get me to the Platform in time. Luckily, I didn't need a tutorial to pass through the wall. "You ready?" She tightly clasped onto my shoulders, caressing them so she could get the cold out of her system. I tensed up at her touch.

"Ready as you need me to be," I reply, and she tilts her head to the side, cackling a bit. I lean into her arms as I let my body embrace her in a hug. "I love you." She breathes out. I decided on my next choice of words. As much as I opposed her, I couldn't leave to continue her legacy without saying what she wanted to hear.

"I love you." I bit my lip back from showing any kind of emotion. "Good luck. This is your first train ride to the rest of your life." And just like that, my new life began.

The ride to Hogwarts wasn't that long; I expected it to be more dreadful. However, making friends was sort of... overwhelming at first. Everyone looked so big now, even though we were all the same age. I felt I didn't belong just yet. It felt like everyone here grew up with each other, and I was only a foreign outsider.

After being greeted by Hagrid, we were shortly led to the Great Hall to let the feast begin. I was peeked at strangely, but I don't blame them. This is the first time in more than ten years that Hogwarts lets a case like mine happen. Of course, it was an exception because of my family.

Professor Dumbledore lifted his glass and lightly tapped it to grab everyone's attention. I saw all people turn their curious complexions. I saw familiar ones too. Hermione, Harry, Ron, the Weasley's... My mom had told me about all of these outstanding scholars.

"We have a new student here at Hogwarts." And so all of the judgemental murmurs from the Slytherin table came. And all those whispers came from the very own ruler of Slytherin itself, Draco Lucius Malfoy, the one I was instructed to resist the most.

"Emerald Elara Hart." Everyone gasped simultaneously at the sound of my name. "Settle down, students. Settle down. Now-"

"She's the heir of Ravenclaw." I heard numerous people say, including a powerful male voice.

"As you all may know by now, Hart's family is very much appreciated in Hogwarts History. It wasn't until her fifth year that Emerald's mother, Ann, let her enroll in our Wizarding institute. As for her missing the last four years, she ought not to worry, for she has learned everything she needs to up until now, back at her home. She will proceed with her last three years with us, you, students. Please, let her feel welcomed."

After Dumbledore completed my brief introduction, the Great Hall emitted in cheers and loud praises. I was very much received with open arms in my house, Ravenclaw. As anyone would say, I felt I was finally home.

"Hi, I'm Luna." A girl came up to me when I reached the table, and her low, soft voice oversaw over the leftover cheers. "Nice to meet you, Luna. I'm... well, Emerald." I grinned.


"She's-" Goyle began, but I instantly finished his sentence.

"The heir of Ravenclaw." The words rolled out of my tongue flawlessly.

"God knows she'll end up just like her father." Pansy rolled her eyes, which I let out a breath in response that almost sounded like a laugh.

"The apple might not fall that far from the tree." I lifted my eyebrows at the long-haired brunette in front of Professor Dumbledore. Who gave a damn about Ravenclaws anyway?

"Oh please, when I was sorted, the Great Hall wasn't as loud with cheers as it is now." I shook my head, Crabbe and Goyle quickly nodding their heads in agreement.

"But you're not the heir of-" Pansy strived to correct me before I shut her filthy mouth up.

"I might as well be, wouldn't I? We'll see who's ruling Hogwarts in the end. This Emerald whatever-her-name-is girl won't last five minutes in this school."

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