7. Jovial

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"You've got to be kidding me."

"You've got to be kidding me."

Draco and I both whined as we realized we were the Seekers of our Houses. Great. We play against everything, and now we have to compete for the Golden Snitch too? This man doesn't leave my sights. No matter what I do.

"This ought to be fun. Don't you suppose so, Hart?" He peeked to the side and then back at me. His glowing, landscape grey eyes indicated a hint of enthusiasm when his words never did.

"Not until you lose." I lifted both of my eyebrows, selecting pride over composure.

"I'll go easy on you, darling." I felt an adrenaline anticipation rush down my veins as his lips whispered that last word. My only voluntary response to his statement was to roll my eyes.

As we all settled into our brooms, Oliver shouted down the countdown. "Ready, set, now!"

Both Ravenclaw and Slytherin chasers accelerated through the arena, faster than lightning. I maintained direct eye contact with my adversary, at the same time keeping an eye out for the startling bludgers.

I glimpse my left and notice Mandy pointing to the side, signaling the direction the Golden Snitch had flown towards.

I promptly winked with my left eye, bossing towards the Snitch. As my hands are a centimeter away from snatching it, I feel a force come behind me. As I swiveled around, I felt Draco's hand pressed onto my waist.

My stomach churned, but now it was too late, "Distracted, are we?" He smirked as he attempted to steal the Golden Snitch away from my reach. How dare he use physical fixation to divert my attention and declare success.

"Really witty." I mimicked his statement from yesterday as I drifted away on my broom, rolling my eyes for the second time this morning. The Snitch was now a hand away from mine, and as I'm about to proclaim victory, I hear the unmistakable daunting voice beside me. "Try again." He pushed the Snitch so that it was now long away from my measure.

"I can't stand you!" I yelled and flew after him and that Golden ball. "No one ever asked you to." He screamed back as we both hustled one another, trying to pry that Snitch out of each other's hands.

Everyone else keeps getting dodged by the bludgers and scoring the quaffles into the golden rings, as I notice both teams are tied. I wink at Luna, and she knows exactly what to do.

She notices a bludger coming her way, so instantly, she averts it, letting it hit the wall. Luckily, it bounces from the wall and promptly whacks Draco and his broom.

"Finally!" I shout and fly after the Golden Snitch, and in just seconds, the Ravenclaws have won the practice match.

"One hundred and fifty points go to Ravenclaw House." Oliver fools as if this was actual game day, and we all come down to the field for dismissal of practice.

I watch Draco dramatically lying on the floor as a cry for attention. "She's killed me; she's killed me!" He begins scowling like a five-year-old when I come up to him. I kneel to face him in eye contact level. "Are you done being so dramatic?"

"Are you done being so irritating?"

I extend my hand for him to stand up, and he hesitated for a moment. "Oh, please, am I going to take your hand and then drop you once more?" I stare at him as if he was foolish. "Take my hand!"

He ultimately grabs it, and I assist him in standing up. "I deem myself lucky." He mumbles as he rubs the dirt off of his shoulder. "Another hit or two, and I could have lost my arm."

"I recall you were going to go easy on me? Was that correct?" I taunt him.

His blow to the head must have hit him pretty hard because, for once, he genuinely chuckled.

"I just let you win. I felt sorry for your pathetic ass." He picked up his broom and stood next to it with satisfaction.

"Oh, I just assumed Draco Malfoy never feels sorry for anyone," I jokingly settle my hand on my chest, leaning towards the tall blonde haired who, for once, appeared comfortable.

Villain, D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now