33. Answer My Question

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Isn't silence meant to be broken sometimes?

That's what Draco and I believed most of the time. Although, the teachers didn't really agree with us. "What's the answer to number seven?" Draco whispers as he sits next to me in Potions class.

The room was hushed. We were supposed to be doing the work separately, without talking.

"Merlin's ass." I joke, but he writes it down anyway because he thinks that's closer to the actual answer than leaving it blank.

"Hey," He nudges my elbow again. I look to the side, meeting his eyes. "Mmh?" His opaque eyes could reflect upon almost anything.

"You know, we need to talk about..." He trailed off, fidgeting with his pencil.

"About what?" I bent into his ear, trying to hear him clearly.

"About this." His index finger pointed at our chests.

"Do you mean this as in... us?" I whispered, breaking eye contact and staring at my worksheet instead.

He nodded.

"You know we can't talk about this here. What if someone hears us?" I kept murmuring back and forth.

"Good idea, then." He mumbled before grabbing the potion that was next to him and spilling it on both our laps.

I gasp, "What-"

"Excuse me, professor!" Draco signaled over Slughorn. "May you grant us the admission of going to the bathroom to clean up. I sense I have made a mistake and accidentally poured the green liquid on our bodies instead of the mixing pot." He played the innocent, charming boy.

"Very well. Go on, but separate bathrooms. You know the rules." He responded, and Draco smiled, snatching my hand and urging me out of the classroom.

"Very romantic, Malfoy," I say through gritted teeth as we escape the room.

"I do have game, don't I?" He said as he hurried me to a cornered wall. If we went to the bathrooms, we would risk getting seen by more people. "Scourgify!" He exclaimed, instantly turning our messy, stained robes into perfectly cleaned ones.

"Thank God for magic, huh," I said under my breath. "Alright, now that you've undoubtedly caught my attention, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I crouched against the wall as he leaned forward.

"Who are we to each other? What are we to each other?" His lips inhaled onto mine, and I couldn't help but stare at them.

"You tell me." I dared to challenge, my cheeks getting heated. He shut his eyes, stooping his head down.

"Because God forbid, I don't know what the hell love is, but I feel it when I'm with you!" He shouted desperately. "And I don't want that to end. I don't want to share that feeling with anyone else. I want to learn to love, but only if you teach me. I guess what I'm saying is I-"

"Students. Go back to your classes. We have a special announcement to make." We heard Professor McGonagall snap at us as she wandered through the corridor.

She didn't give us a chance to finish our discussion; she just steered us back inside Potions. I glanced at Draco when McGonagall shoved us, making us sit back down in the chairs, and his eyes appeared sorrowed.

"Attention, students. Professor McGonagall has a particular announcement." Slughorn cleared his throat before letting McGonagall introduce herself.

"Good afternoon, scholars. You all may wonder why I am here, and it's for one fascinating reason. Hogwarts will be hosting its very own first field trip! This will be taking place in London, and we will be leaving tonight.

It is education-purpose travel because we will be doing muggle studies. I want you all on the best behavior for these following days. After the Potions end, you will go straight to dinner, then pack your bags. After packing, you shall meet Hagrid outside at the trains. Any questions?"

No one spoke up, but all of us had grins on our faces. Hogwarts has never hosted any sort of field trip, especially one outside of the magic world. This was going to be interesting.

I felt Draco next to me quickly yanking a paper out of his notebook and drawing out his quill. Seconds later, he nudged the crumpled piece of paper into my hand.

I unfolded the paper.

Right after packing and before boarding the trains, meet me in the Astronomy Tower. The question I intended to ask you earlier today will have to wait until tonight.

I pursed my lips, trying to conceal my smile. I turned to him and nodded.

Was this finally it? Was he going to ask me that one question I've wanted to hear for months now? I can't get my hopes up. I always do, and I self-sabotage myself entirely.

But what if this is the happiness we've needed all this time? For once in my life, I entirely forgot about my mother's pressures; or what his father thought of us. For once, I actually had hoped we could make this work, whatever the hell this was.

"Well, if there are no more questions, I guess Professor Slughorn here can take it away once again." She stepped down.

"Thank you, Miss McGonagall." He chuckled before she exited the classroom by herself.

"Alright, who's excited?!" He wailed before the room erupted in claps and cheers.

"It's only a few days, L. You don't need to bring your entire closet." I giggled at a perplexed Luna who seemed to be packing all clothes she's ever owned for a three-day trip.

"What if-"

"What if nothing! We both have enough clothing stored as it is already. We're going to be fine." I reassured her with a smile. "Alright," I sighed after zipping up my suitcase. "Ready?"

"Let's go!" She opened our dorm door and led the way for the Ravenclaw Common Room so we could drop our bags there. I mentally remind myself I had to see Draco before climbing the trains, so I told Luna.

"I have to take care of something really quick. Are you going to be okay?" I begged, and she didn't hesitate to nod.

"Great." I snickered and sprinted down the stairs, careful seeing as though they were changing while I ran. I sprinted out the doors, and the breeze knocked my exposed back with chills.

"Draco?" I inquired, slightly panting, as I climbed the stairs up the Astronomy Tower. I saw a figure as tall as him, but it wasn't Draco.

"Ambrose?" I called, and he turned around. I guessed correctly. "What are you doing here?" I mumbled, mentally praying he didn't just hear me call out Draco. No one's supposed to know about us. Not yet, anyway. It might all just change tonight.

"I have something that you'd like to see. Or in this case, perhaps, hear."


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