23. Amiable Rivalry

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Competition and overachiever integrity was always concealed in my blood. Perhaps they come from my radiating Slytherin persona or simply because I grew up in an environment like so.

You know the famous saying: "Don't mix business with pleasure,"? Well, in Emerald and I's case, it's simple: Don't mix our rivalry with satisfaction.

We may have discussed this earlier this week, but saying we would go through with it 100% of the time was a lie.

"As you know, assistants are requested to fulfill a position full of demanding work ethic and devotion. That is why there can only be one individual to serve those shoes."

My eyes stared at Emerald's in a sideway manner without my body swiveling. Her brown orbs let me know her driven determination was just as heavy as mine. If there's one thing I've unfortunately learned from that girl, you don't ever underestimate Ravenclaws.

"Before I declare the first task, I have to remind you of all the rudimentary rules. I wish saying them once was enough, but knowing some of you," Professor Slughorn hesitated to peek at us, "you'll choose not to abide by the regulations."

I snicker at his statement lowly before sensing Emerald's arm slap mine.

"Alright. There will be no foul play allowed. All students must work towards their wanted assistant position without the form of stealing, lying, or sabotaging others."

"Does cheating count?" Emerald cocked her head to the side, provoking my attitude.

"That blatantly falls under the three classifications I just stated, Miss Hart."

"What about bribing?" I challenged.

"Perhaps blackmailing?" She rapidly added.

"Or erroneous accusations. I find those to appeal more to human weaknesses." I shrugged off.

"Mister Malfoy and Miss Hart. Are you asking to get disqualified before even commencing the competition?" Slughorn pretended to be angry with raised brows but broke out of character in less than two seconds and chuckled.

"As I was saying," He cleared his throat. "You all know the rules. Just follow your moral compass."

"For us, that will always be an issue." I leaned in to murmur to Emerald's ear, and as my face backed out of hers, I saw her lips twist in a grin.

"Now that we're past that let me break down the first task. Though it may seem insignificant, it certainly can prove its effectiveness. The first assignment will be to find three hidden Golden Snitch balls. I know Hogwarts is enormous, so I've made it just a bit easier. You shall look for the hidden Snitch balls out in the courtyard.

Time starts now. Only one person should pick one ball. Whoever gets to them first without breaking any rule will move onto the second round. That will leave us with three finalists for the ongoing contest. Begin."

I was never a fan of sprinting, but I indeed became one now. We all burst out of the Potions classroom, and frantically surveyed the courtyard for a hint or clue of where the balls might be.

Ravenclaws and Slytherins tend to think alike. So, naturally, Emerald and I were the only ones who assessed the courtyard cautiously while everyone else ran out of desperation.

My hands stroke the cement wall, and my eyes plunge to the floor as I try using all my senses simultaneously to find this Golden Snitch.

"If everything out here is brown and green," I heard her voice mutter near mine.

"Then finding the snitch should be easy due to its bizarre gold pigmentation." I completed her thoughts.

I turned around, and there she was, a small scowl playing on her face. "You're pretty quick for a blonde."

"Platinum, blonde." I corrected her.

"Drop the niceties." She rolled her eyes, dropping her smile as well.

I cackled, coming near her. "You want to compete against this too?" My breath hit her stern face, and my warmth was enough for both of us on this cold afternoon.

"This," She referred towards us. "Changes nothing. I'm still me, even if I'm with you." Her eyes wouldn't flee mine for a few seconds.

"You're with me, now? Is that what you want?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" She breathed. "Are you seriously using manipulation tactics to distract me from winning this first round?"

"Well, if I replied yes to your inquiry, it would just be insensitive on my part."

"You always thought honesty and insensitivity were the same things anyway." She shrugged, trying to evacuate my presence. My arm yanked hers to grab her back.

"Is that all you've got? No wonder you're always in second place." I knew her weaknesses, unlike others.

"Oh, please. Look who's talking. You're slow today; you know that? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have something to be the champion of." And as she stormed out of my touch, my gazes told me to look behind me.

Luck isn't usually on my side, but today it was. "Bingo," I picked up the two Golden Snitches I had found covered up on the rocks.

If I confessed to Emerald I had just found two of the Snitches, she would try to pry them from my hands. So obviously, I turned to a plan.

I kept strolling around the courtyard, pretending I was still in a desperate state looking for one of the Snitches. Emerald did the same. Only I had actually found not one, but two of the balls.

"I found one!" Neville screamed. Everyone turned to him with resentment. Emerald is one of them.

My feet shortly made their way over to Emerald's. "What do you want, Malfoy? Can't you see I'm too busy beating you?"

"Actually, you might want to reevaluate that. I found one of the Golden Snitches."

Her head spun as soon as that sentence escaped my lips. I was smirking with pride.

"I don't believe you."

I took one of the balls from my back pocket and held it up, but instantly put it back for insurance. "Now, I could help you out and tell you where the last ball is. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Right, I'm supposed to believe you sporadically want to help the enemy?"

"You know where the last ball is?!" Luna jogged over to us as she listened to my comment.

"Well," I turned to Emerald. "If you don't want to trust me when I tell you that the last ball is hidden behind the bushes down the wall next to the fountain, then that's your problem." I winked.

Luna was quick enough to take the hint but foolish enough to think that what I was saying was true. However, Emerald was smarter on that note.

"You're lying." She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Prove it." I clenched my jaw, imitating her pose.

"Your mouth is doing that tugging thing when you don't tell the truth."

"I like the idea of you knowing me better than myself."

"That's clearly because we're never the masters of our own temperaments."

"I'll tell you where the last Snitch is. But only because I prefer it when it's only us being the two competitors." I pulled out the second ball from my other pocket and planted it on her palms.

And before she could boast about having one of the Snitches on her hands, I let my lips make an appearance on her jawline, kissing it as I stepped away.

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