36. One Bullet Is Enough

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She was going to be mine. I was this close to calling her mine. But one second wrecked it all. One fucking mistake demolished everything that was waiting for us.

Before leaving for London, I remember feeling so furious I wanted to murder Ambrose. He knew what he was doing. But what I can't seem to understand is why. If he strived to ruin me, then he certainly did. Because not only did he destroy me, but he ravaged what I wanted most in this world.

What's even worse is that this was all a lie. The night of that recording took place years ago. I remember it vividly, and I know Ambrose does too.

We had one too many beers to drink. It was past one; we wear all stacked up, lying on the raw mortar floor. The wind was harsh and brittle outside.

"I never did," I piped up, laughing off any unreasonable statements that were fleeing my lips. Drunk me is something I don't miss witnessing.

"And what about Pansy?" Ambrose initially asked me. I remember flicking him off, rolling my eyes. At the time, which was two years ago, Pansy and I were just a fling. We flirted a bit here and there, but the word love was out of the equation. At least for me.

"What do you mean? I just used her. Please," I breathed out. "You'd think I'd ever like a whore like her? Don't be ridiculous." I snickered, and just then, all of the bottles we had been sipping off of smashed the ground in one instant.

I still regret saying those words. Sure, I didn't like Pansy in that way, and yeah, maybe she was a tad obsessed with me, but I didn't have to act so superior. I wasn't perfect. I'm still not. And I never will be. It was ludicrous of me even to insult her.

Ambrose used that former recording of that night and reworked Pansy's name out with a voice-over of him saying Emerald's name. Why? I can't fucking figure out why.

I remember after he played the fake recording for Emerald, she was so terrified of me. And that unnerves the hell out of me. For a second, she looked at me the same way I glance at my father, which was sickening.

I remember chasing after her that night, but most importantly, chasing after him.

"What the fuck was that, man?" I had confronted Ambrose, pushing him back, which resulted in his frail but tall body stumbling side to side.

"We both know what you did. Just accept it, Malfoy." He attempted to trick me into thinking that what I had said was true. Okay, it was true, but it wasn't about Emerald. Little does he know a good memory is one of my greatest assets. And when I'm done with him, he won't even remember his own name.

"Oh," I cackled, my voice plunging dangerously deep, my hands at his neck, "We both know I was talking about Pansy. So tell me, who the fuck made you falsify this little scenario and show it to Emerald, huh? Tell me why the fuck you would go out of your way and use that twisted sinful mind of yours to wreck something that doesn't concern you! Do you think you can just waltz back into Hogwarts without any consequences? Think again, Ambrose. Think. The. Fuck. Again." I recited carefully.

His eyes sobbed it all: Terror, remorse, coercion, all at once. The stunning art of confrontation. I knew him. I grew up with him. He's all talk and yet full of cowardliness.

I sigh and stop thinking about that traumatic night. I look out towards the window of my hotel room. I was supposed to be on the first excursion of the London trip right now with the rest of the students, but I didn't give a fuck anymore. Who cared if I skipped the excursions? Emerald probably didn't.

It's been two days since I last spoke with her. It's been two days since the argument. And God, I detested missing her more than anything in this fucking world. In my heart, I knew I was supposed to scorn her. I knew I was supposed to push her away. Because every second I spent with her was one more second that put her life in threat.

But God forbid, I'm so sickly, unstable, and perilously in love with that girl. Her soft, constant hands were my medication. She was love. She was the silent emotion that, in time, became part of the oxygen I required to breathe, and so now that she's not here is the simple form of removal, and my emotions commence to choke.

But maybe, just maybe... The devil on my shoulder trails off. Perhaps this is what needed to happen for you to keep her safe. Now you can assassinate her without sentiments getting in the way, right. Do that favor for your father. After all, he deserves it. He's taught you love and loyalty. It's the least you can do for him after all he's done for you.

No, I shake my head, no. He doesn't deserve my allegiance, doesn't he? Maybe he does. Perhaps that's why he's the only person who ever sticks around, no matter what anything happens.

Before I know it, my arm lifts itself, and I feel the cement's heavy concrete wall crash against my knuckles. My back stumbles down to the floor, my head kneeled, trying to hold back the tears.

Although blurry, my stares then noticed a minor tear of paper on the floor. I reach for it; it seemed like a note. My fingers slippery tinted the letter with tears, but they still clasped it steadily enough for me to skim through it.

I couldn't bring myself to do it, but now I have to. I know I have to. I won't dishearten you this time, mother. I promise I'll get rid of Draco myself. His blood will be in my own hands, once and for all.

I glance behind me and notice the vast window half-open. I look back at the letter and reread it. My name, my name was there. 'I'll get rid of Draco myself.'

As much as I wanted to refute this, I knew I couldn't lie to myself. It was Emerald's handwriting, and I recognized it.

As I clench the paper close to my chest, I recall the three moon-shaped dots at the top. I let out a parched laugh that sounded more like a sob.

My father was the only man in Hogwarts who composed letters with this type of lettering paper. His notebook was the only one that had the three moon-shaped tops at the right-hand upper corner. So why the hell do I have Emerald's calligraphy in one of my father's letters?

One thing's for sure: To murder Emerald and me, there would only ever have to be one bullet.

A/N: Hello, I'm back! 3,500 reads on Villain, i'm so freaking happy. thank you, thank you, thank you for reading.

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