24. Reversed Game

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There was something so heavenly about a kiss under trees; perhaps the birds harmonizing to each person's heartbeats or the breeze complementing our touches.

My lips eventually decided to pull away from Draco's, scared someone was to catch us. However, he wasn't aware that we were in public and that anyone could see us at any time. He snatched my Ravenclaw tie and shoved my body onto his, but luckily I had learned how to build my self-control.

"I'm pulling away before you might regret kissing me again." I leaned forward, smirking.

"Now, why would that ever be a regret?" He snaked his arms around my waist, pushing me up against him.

"Because..." I glanced to the side, trying to conceal the hints of pink creeping up my chiseled cheeks. "People could see us." I scowl. "And speaking of seeing, you look even worse than usual. And that's saying something." I teased the platinum-haired idiot in front of me.

"Me? Have you seen yourself? Your eyebags are adorned in blue and purple. You look like you got punched."

"Well, I'm determined."

"What do you mean? Are we still on for competing for that spot as Slughorn's assistant?" He tilted his head to the side, pretending to ask curiously. Of course, my answer to that was yes. And he knew so.

"You ask, but you know the reply to that question, don't you?" I laughed in a  preppy mood, tapping his chest softly.

"It's going to take more than a few all-nighters to surpass me. But seriously, you look like you could have used the sleep." His eyes loosened up for a second.

He said as we both turned around to start walking to Potions once again. This time, we left some space between us, making sure no one else suspected anything or made any assumptions about our proximity.

"Aw, thank you, mom, but I'll go back to having a reasonable sleeping schedule once I beat you for this role."

"Sometimes you make me wonder if you truly are a Ravenclaw and not a Slytherin." His lips curled childishly.

"They call it Slytherclaw for a reason." I put my hand on my heart, twirling around with a grin on my face.

"Ah, our two beloved opponents! How are you, Miss Hart and Mister Malfoy, this fine morning?" Slughorn asked as we reached the classroom while everyone gaped at our entrance.

Draco and I both beamed in return and answered the Professor's question.

"You're probably wondering what's the last task to fulfill such position. Well, I asked our two prominent students to come up with a distinct, never before seen, potion. I can tell they stayed up assembling these, for hard work is a characteristic that sets them apart." He proudly stated.

My head swiveled to Draco's, and he stole a peek at me; we were both chuckling at Slughorn's attempt to honor our successes and labor ethic.

"Well, in that case, students execute away." He instructed us to show our potions to the class we had been working on for the past week. Draco was up first.

Of course, his heartthrob charm had already worked on the Professor. He was illustrating a purple-like potion, stating how it is a powerful truth serum. He clarified that it effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions truthfully, though there are specific resistance methods.

Everyone was astonished at his creation, knowing that not only had he gotten the basics of the potions right, but he was also able to include psychology into it.

I didn't stand a chance now.

"Incredible, Mister Malfoy. Would you care to show how it works? Perhaps, try it on a student." Slughorn shrugged, noting some stuff down on his clipboard.

"I suggest Emerald." Pansy quickly interrupted the professor, giving him ideas. The class spun to glance at me, including Draco, who held an amiable look in his eyes.

"Miss Hart, do you consent to be under Mister Malfoy's potion?"

Hell no. What if they ask about us? Am I supposed to tell the truth?

"What's the question?" I perked up at Pansy, challenging her.

"I'm sorry?" The teacher interrupted to intervene.

"For the potion. I need a question to answer truthfully. I'll only agree to use Mister Malfoy's potion if I know the query beforehand." I explained.

"I have a question you can use." Pansy hoisted her eyebrows.

I clenched my jaw, unsure of what to do. I saw Draco giving me a slight nod, telling me to go through with the potion with just his eyes. I puffed out, "Fine." I sat down on the stool that was positioned in front of the classroom.

Draco pulled a cup and poured some of the mixtures into it, passing it to me. His hands slightly grazed mine, making us cringe back in a sudden state. How is it that his touch is always as warm as the sun yet mine as frigid as a moon?

"I'm ready," I asserted after gulping the liquid.

"Who shall ask the inquiry? Miss Parkinson?" Slughorn implored, seeing as she had spoken up earlier.

"I'll ask it, professor." She stood up, making her way up to the front of the room. She was utterly facing me, as Draco stood in the back, carefully watching us.

"Is it true you kissed Draco?" Her voice was raspy as if she tried to taunt us in front of everybody. We heard minor gasps and mumbles scattered across the four-walled room.

"No, but you wish you could." My snarl showed all my teeth, devoid of humor.

Pansy threw her arms up and her palms forward, "It didn't work!"

"Nicely done." Draco strolled to my side, leaving Pansy and Slughorn as surprised as they wanted us to be.

"Don't tell me you two knew about this." She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm a Slytherin; she's a Ravenclaw. You think fooling us is a lovely trick?" Draco's voice harassed everyone in the room, including her.

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