10. Plan

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Look at how pathetic she seems hanging out with that stupid trio. She doesn't belong with them. I'm convinced whenever she laughs with that Granger, Potter, or Weasley; it's always fake. What could they possibly have in common? She has more things in common with us Slytherins than with those trivial Gryffindors.

I mean, really, what trait do they even have that's so substantial? Bravery? Please, when did that ever help anyone out? No, the only characteristics that matter in life are ambition, aspirations, and intentions. That's how you declare success on your own.

Bravery is just an excuse to cover up one's moral weakness.

She tosses her head back in laughter, and I can't help but peek at her with disgust. What could be so funny that she has to throw her whole head back?

"Draco, Draco," Crabbe tries to snap me back to reality. Unfortunately, it worked; and now my patience was a ticking bomb waiting to explode.

"What do you want?" I speak a little bit too loud. Her head swivels at the sound of my voice, and I feel at comfort when I recognize she can identify my voice so quickly. Perhaps I'm not another guy to her.

But I shortly take this back when her manner turns to a weird mix of glaring eyes and narrow lips. When will she move on from what happened a few nights ago? Seriously, it wasn't a huge deal.

If she didn't feel anything towards my touch on her, that shouldn't mean anything to her and she shouldn't be so mad about the way I played with her. It wasn't something to overreact over, anyway.

Classmates put their hands on other classmates' cheeks for a fun game, right?

"The answer to number six," Crabbe keeps insisting I perform charity work and reply to his question. When I get snapped out of my thoughts once again, I turn my body to deal with him so he can leave me alone already.

I instantly glimpse through my smudged ink pages and show him my homework. He nods as he obtains the answer, which I assume he wanted. Once he appears satisfied enough with my assignment assistance, I return to my mind once again.

Anyway, what was I thinking? Oh, yeah, what the hell was Emerald assuming? That she can just get away with what she said that night to me in the forest and never speak to me again? If that's what she expects, then she shall anticipate a surprise to come her way.

"Draco," I get called again. "What the hell do you people not comprehend about leaving me alone?" I scowled. My voice grew wild as I realized that this time it was Pansy who interrupted my thinking. Her eyes cringed as I mumbled so, but if I only cared about her ridiculous reaction.

"What's on your mind?" Her mouth parted in a way.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I scoff and turn away to stare at the afflicting brunette in front of my gaze.

"I do; why do you think I'm asking?" She retorted. Sarcasm was never a good look on this idiot.

"Let me know when you're done with that attitude of yours." I snapped back at her. My tone was audible enough to grab Emerald's awareness. This could be fun now.

Keeping my death-stare eye contact with Emerald, I forcefully snatch Pansy's cheek with my fingers. Her face turned warm, of course, it would; it's me who's touching her.

I see Emerald let out a breath as she rolls her eyes, turning her back on me. She went back to chatting with Harry, dismissing my apparent attempts at triggering her. Which, to my advantage, certainly worked. That brunette is practically begging for my touch already. Who wouldn't?

"Draco?" I hear Pansy whisper beside me. My hand was still placed on her face. I harshly yank my hand off her hot cheeks. I didn't want anything to do with her, now. My plan here was over. And this was just the beginning.

Let's see who's just chasing after the other in the end.

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