32. Foreshadowing

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"Luna!!!" I sprint down the hallway as I see the blonde-haired girl race in my direction.

"I missed you, E!" She chuckled, pulling away from our hug.

"I missed you too. Luna, you're literally glowing!" I cackled, "Come on, let's put those bags down, and you can tell me all about your summer break!"

After I assisted her in taking her stuff to the Ravenclaw common room and then our dorm, we sat down on our beds and began babbling about our past weeks.

"My family and I spent the vacations back home! We didn't really do much. We kind of just relished our company and baked a lot! Maybe even too much." She fooled.

"That sounds incredible," I sighed, wishing I had a regular family I could spend my holidays with. I guess my eyes turned watery since Luna perked up, asking if I was okay. "Yeah, of course." I shortly reassured her with a smile.

"What about you, Miss Hart! What did you do? You must have a remarkable tale because let's not forget you're the heir of Ravenclaw!" I rolled my eyes jokingly; Luna knew I despised when people brought that up.

I pondered if I should tell her about Draco or not. "Uhm... well, I stayed at Hogwarts just to... catch up on some new spells and all, you know?" I tried playing it off. It didn't work.

"Just spells?" She caught my bluff.

"And... potions." I trailed off.

"And? Anything else?"

"Okay, fine!" I erupted. "I may or may not have had some company beside me."

She looked down as she was about to speak, but before she could, she glimpsed the ring on my finger.

She gasped, realizing who the ring was from and who I was probably referring to. "D.L.M." She murmured, lifting my fingers to stare at the beautifully handcrafted jewelry. "Please tell me this stands for... Don't Like Mudbloods and not who I think it stands for."

I kind of just sat there with an amused smile on my face until she figured it out. "So, it is him! You spent the break with Draco?!"

"Look, in our defense, we were the only ones here, and well... we might have tolerated each other for a few weeks." A hint of red colored my cheeks.

"Tolerated or liked?" She crossed her arms.

"Luna!" I whacked her arm softly.

"What?!" She giggled. After a few moments of laughing, she spoke up. "In all sincerity," She halted. "I'm happy for you. You look better. Your eyes are softer, and your smile's shinier."

I looked down, a beat in my heart hopping. I knew that compliment came from the effect he had on me. And I was not ashamed of it.

"Speaking of Draco," She said his name dramatically, let's go down to the Hall. "He's probably there already. Come on," She hauled me out of bed, which was, in fact, very comfortable.

After a pretty lengthy walk towards the Great Hall, we made it. And although we've been here every day for the past year, its magnificence never fails to astonish me.

"Look, there they are!" She spotted the platinum-blonde wizard standing with his friends. He looked to the side, and when his eyes landed on mine, he smirked. I grinned.

We walked over to where Blaise, Draco, and Goyle were talking... and another guy I've never seen before in my life?

"Malfoy." I rolled my eyes.

"Hart." He scoffed and looked away. Everyone around us sighed, knowing this was typical behavior for us now.

"You look as dreadful as ever." I kidded.

"Oh, glad that I can reciprocate the comment."

Luna was utterly perplexed at Draco's reply. What she didn't know is that, in public, we were still our rival selves who had no attention in one another. But inside, in the moments where we were alone; in the moments where we could be our most sensitive, toxic selves, we were more in love than ever before.

"Welcome back, Luna," Blaise added to attempt and kill the fake tension.

"You too, guys." She beamed back.

"Oh, before I forget, this is Ambrose. He and Draco used to go way back." Goyle added, and Luna and I extended our hands for him to shake.

He winked at me, and I could practically feel Draco mentally knocking him already.

"Well," Luna clenched her hands, "It was nice to see you guys and nice to meet you, Ambrose. I guess we're all hungry, so why don't we go and enjoy some dinner." She tried changing the subject, and we all nodded our heads, going back to our separate tables to sit down and eat.

Before joining Luna at our Ravenclaw table, I got a few moments to talk to with Draco in private.

"Are you okay? You seemed a bit tense back there." I murmured.

He clenched his jaw, closing his eyes. "I've known Ambrose since we were little kids. I just- I don't even know why he's here! He has no business being at Hogwarts."

"But, why are you so upset over this one little thing?"

"I'm not! I mean, it's not a little thing. That guy is atrocious. He's disastrous. You don't even want to think about half the shit he's done."

"Then I guess he's probably just here to visit- or perhaps he was invited by a teacher. Look, all I'm saying is I don't think he's going to enroll here, anyway. So whatever his business is, it'll be temporary." I tried soothing him down, as he was so disturbed by this random guy for God knows what reason.

"You're right." Draco puffed out, doing one of the peaceful anxiety techniques I taught him to do whenever he was uptight. "I want to kiss you."

"Tonight." I raised an eyebrow, knowing that we both had to restrain ourselves since we were in public.

"What the heck was that all about?" Luna asked once I joined her at our table, and we were alone. I giggled.

"One detail I forgot to add: You cannot tell anyone about... whatever it is that Draco and I have. Alright?" I pulled out my pinky so she could wrap hers around mine and make the promise.

"I promise." She said confidently. "But if I may ask, why?"

"Our parents... loathe each other. And we aren't enabled to even look at each other from their perspectives."

"So, what I'm hearing is... modern-day Romeo and Juliet?"

"Without the deaths," I chuckled. But little did I know that random jokes always possess an ability to predict the future.

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