37. Lucius

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How do I even begin to tell this story? How did I even end up here? Tied up, chained up, closed up in a dim room.

Let's start initially: I didn't want to see him anymore, and I guess the Universe took care of that for me.

We were on our third and last day of the excursion to London, and there was absolutely no sign of Draco. A part of me was worried at first, anxiously wondering where the hell he was.

But then, when Blaise jogged out of his room and met with us for breakfast this morning, he told us Draco hadn't stepped out of his hotel room. He said he stayed there the entirety of the days, just laying in fucking bed.

I didn't want anything to fucking do with Draco, but a part of me desired to know if he was okay. So, I was alleviated when I realized Blaise was his roommate for the trip, and he could keep me updated on how Draco was doing.

Blaise and I weren't really close, but after the whole Ambrose and Draco thing exploded, we began talking. We weren't the best of friends, but we were now official acquaintances, I guess you could say.

I never understood how... simple he was. From afar, he always looked complicated and raw and wicked. But once you get to talk to him, you know he's really the contrary. He's observant, calm, and collected.

Draco was also these three aspects, and much more, but he was too unpredictable. It's a poor thing my soul is so curious and yearns for his unpredictability every day.

It's also a good thing he's been stuck in his room throughout this trip. I haven't seen him ever since the whole argument, and I don't think I could ever face him again. Just thinking about his frosty blue eyes makes me want to throw up because my reasoning scorns that boy, but my heart doesn't seem to follow suit.

"Did you hear Lucius is the mentor for today?" I hear Luna ask beside me. "What?" I turn to confront her. We all sat down at a huge round table, relishing the breakfast buffet.

Don't even ask me how Blaise, Hermione, Luna, and I ended up at the same table. Usually, we would be segregated. Blaise, Pansy, Draco. Hermione, Luna, and I.

But now that Pansy has also vanished to God knows where; we've all turned to talk with one another, even though we three are so different from Blaise.

Oh, that's another thing— My assumption is Pansy is probably screwing Draco when Blaise isn't in their hotel room because I haven't seen Pansy since the first day we got here.

I remember leaving our cabin to roam around the area, and she said she was going to stay inside the room. But after that, when I came up to our room a few hours later, she wasn't there and hasn't been until today.

"Lucius Malfoy, Draco's infamous father, is giving us the tour today," Blaise adds, snapping me back into existence. "But, why today? Does he even know his son isn't even attending the activities and just dwelling on his room all day?" I chirped while setting aside my fork.

The whole three days, we've been either examining the London streets or the towns, all in the hopes of gathering more research for our Muggle Studies project back in Hogwarts. Yet, Pansy and Draco haven't attended one of these guides and tours.

"I don't know if he knows. Lucius never minded Draco. I doubt he would know his son isn't even here." He gestured to the large ballroom we were sitting at, chewing breakfast before departing for our last activity here in England. I bow my head down, remembering his words were valid. They ache, but they were true. Lucius never gave a fuck about his son.

Now, what happened next, I cannot explain. It was all a haze, a storm, and a puzzling one.

"Group A and B, if you're done dining, please follow me." Professor McGonagall yelled across the ballroom, and shortly the people at my table and I stood up, as we were part of Groups A and B.

"What do you think Lucius is teaching us today? Now that he's giving the tour, I hope we can go to that Forbidden Forest everyone talks about that's in London. I bet he knows everything about that." Hermione kept rambling next to me. I giggled at my friend's curiosity—typical Hermione behavior. I cannot blame her; I act the same even though I am a Ravenclaw.

"Please don't separate from one another, students. Keep walking straight!" McGonagall's voice kept chiming as we stepped outside the hotel and into the appointed buses.

A subtle gasp retreats my lips as I feel a bitter hand yank me back and into a concrete wall. I look ahead, and no one had noticed what had just happened; even Hermione kept strolling and entered the bus without me. All my eyes could see was pure emptiness, not even blackness, just vacant nothingness.

My breath speeds up as my impulses kick in, automatically trying to shove away whoever had jerked me back. The other person's force was dominant on mine.

"I didn't want to do this, but my son gave me no choice. Men, right? They never seem to pursue any instructions." A man's voice grumbled behind me. I couldn't see him; one of his hands coated my waist as the other covered my eyes.

I feel one of his icy metal rings press onto my eyes. When he finally lets go of the hand covering my eyes, I get to open them.

And before I could grab a clue of who this man was before I knew it, my torso and vertebrae were tied to a steel chair, the metal clasping against my skin, ripping away any warmth it once retained.

I was pleased for my observation skills, however, because only through them could I recognize the man's eyes pertained to those of no other's: Lucius Malfoy.

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