11. Games

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"Let me know when you're done with that attitude of yours." I hear Draco snap at Pansy, whom both were sitting across from our library table.

I shifted my attention towards him, but when I do, my glance of hatred was too late. He had grabbed Pansy's cheek with his warm hand, the same way he did to me just a few nights ago. I felt a pang hit my stomach, and suddenly I wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Excuse me a moment." I faked a smile while I stood up from my seat and left Harry, Hermione, and Ron, wondering what just happened. They all seemed confused as I tried not to make a scene, strolling away from the library.

My feet take me to the murky alley outside the building, and I notice this area looks familiar. When I realized that this alley was the same one Draco hauled me to last time. To my surprise, when I glimpse around it, I discern the tall platinum blonde standing behind me.

I use this encounter to my advantage to figure out what was the motive behind that little stunt he pulled in the library.

"What the hell was that?" I spit.

"You tell me." He crosses his arms in front of his chest, getting defensive.

"What do you want me to say?!" I whisper yelled out of distress.

"You can start by telling me why you've been ignoring me for the past week." He gets nearer to me, and I take a step back. He wasn't going to do the same thing as last time. If he did, I wouldn't let him.

"You can start by telling me why you pulled the physical touch card to humiliate me."

"You liked it, then?" He lifts his eyebrows.

"What?" I quickly retorted, pretending not to know what he was referring to.

"The way my hand hugged your fragile skin?" His voice got deeper.

"Don't do this." I shut my eyes for a second, trying to let my reasoning control my emotions. 

"Or the way my fingers faultlessly sketched your jaw?" His index finger ran through it, sending raw chills down my back. My arms were about to melt into his like ice-cream on a warm porcelain bowl; until I reminded myself, I couldn't do this.

But when my hand reaches him to push him off, my feelings have another plan. I leave my hand on top of his, stroking his knuckles, clenching onto any sort of stability that could help my state of weakness.

"I hate you." I snap back into actuality, opening my eyes and attempting to take a step back, away from his yearning touch.

"Then why are you still letting me caress you?" He positioned his other hand on the other side of my face, balancing the equalized proportions of affection throughout my body.

"I told you, get off of me." This time I successfully shoved him back.

"You still haven't answered my question. I don't assume friends ignore each other for a whole week. Don't you agree?"

"They also don't push the other friends' buttons. Besides, I thought you'd be glad you'd gotten rid of me for a week. It looks like that's what you always want anyway."

"That would be the case if only you weren't my source of entertainment." He clenched his jaw, looking down at my stare.

"You can have Pansy fill that role. I'm not just someone you can take advantage of. I hope I made myself clear." I gather up the courage to compose myself. Smiling, I begin walking away. But of course, I get pulled back again.


"What?" I gape at his eyes, waiting for him to answer his request.

"I hurt you."

No shit, sherlock.

"I know. That's why we're fighting." I meant to sound cold, but my voice ended up sounding confused, which makes sense because I was utterly perplexed at his comment. Was he trying to say he was sorry?

"I'm trying to apologize here."

That answers my question.

"And I'm trying to avoid it."

He understands my dry humor, and we both crack a small smile. "Alright. I accept your apology. And perhaps I should've let you explain yourself before I avoided you for almost a full week." I giggled.

His lips spiraled into a smirk. "Back to what you said, you deem this a fight?" His dimples at the corners of his mouth let me know he was joking.


"I would prefer the term disagreement, but whatever tickles your fancy."

I roll my eyes at his smartass type remark.

"Now, as for the time that I supposedly withheld your attention, did you miss me?" A vicious scowl painted my blank canvas that was my face.

"No," He halted his real feelings from creeping up his lips and fulfilling my cruel curiosity.

Villain, D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now